Right, I forgot those two idiots fainted so they never really see how strong MC is. And judging from the cover, they'll most likely getting a redemption arc (why?)
Right, I forgot those two idiots fainted so they never really see how strong MC is. And judging from the cover, they'll most likely getting a redemption arc (why?)
That would certainly come off as a typical "disadvantaging move," but it also would mean that another class would be subjected to the same thing -- and so far only F Class has been shown this kind of derision. Like, even up until this point E Class hasn't had any type of screen time.
What's odd to me is the kind of "buff" that B Class gets with an opponent three ranks below them, whereas A and D each have one that's two below.
At home, whether they realize it or not, their parents are the main teaching models to how they should live and interact with others, at their best and their worst.
So if you see someone being a shit-tier person, their parents are likely to blame.
Right, I forgot those two idiots fainted so they never really see how strong MC is. And judging from the cover, they'll most likely getting a redemption arc (why?)