I get what they're trying to do. Problem is: that ain't teleportation. If it's a teleportation skill, it needs to follow the principles that we understand HAVE TO BE true, as they're based on scientific principles and laws that exist. Teleportation HAS TO follow them to even be considered a possibility. What she's doing, idk what you'd call that, besides a broken understanding of teleportation. We may see a ceiling in her way, but just like the human body and everything else in this universe at the microscopic level, there's way more space then there is atomic and carbon structure (90% space, 10% material). When you're particulized, your material is passing right through the space of all objects and being recreated at a fixed point. Her fixed point couldnt ever have been a ceiling, and, like explained, she'd pass right throught this like it's air. Ppl forget that there isn't just space in front of us. There's just as much particulate and atoms in the air as there is in us, but it's broken down to a point where we can't see it. If you can pass through all that over great distances, you can pass through a ceiling. And, again, you can accidentally materialize into an object, but you don't smash into something. That's not teleportation.