Semantic Error - Ch. 15

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May 14, 2020
I think Sangwoo isn’t the only one with personality problems. Jaeyoung seems to have a pathological need to be liked/remembered.
Jul 17, 2020
Thanks again for a bunch of new chapters. Thanks for your hard work, CTS & SF! We're now just 2 chapters behind the raw woohoo!
Mar 6, 2019
Thanks so much for the bulk update!
Honestly, I’m so glad it’s starting to change up how they interact a bit. I’m willing to clear the slate and hope for the best for such pretty artwork, let’s see where this goes~
Feb 16, 2019
Yo, I'm loving the colorblocking in this chapter that represents Sangwoo's changing feelings for Jaeyoung. Red for anger/his harassment, green for the current attempt at an image change, etc. I didn't catch all of it, but I still think that's super clever 🤭
Sep 1, 2020
55 this basically confirms it Jihye is gonna end up being the "love rival" character. I've gotta give credit where its due, reversing the personalities and mc attitudes towards the main interest and rival like this is definitely a new one. Like everything in this, we're walking a tightrope of unknowns in how this is gonna play out.
May 17, 2020
@tinavy Sangwoo doesn't have personality problems. He's neurologically atypical. He experiences the world differently and thus has learned to cope differently to survive. He hasn't been rude or gone out of his way to hurt anyone as far as we know.

It's really not in the same category as someone like the love interest who causes his own problems and then takes it out on an unrelated person
Dec 21, 2019
Thanks for all the chapters! And thank god: seems like red padding is becoming less of a childish asshole. We’ll see tho. Hang in there Sangwoo!
Nov 16, 2020
I feel like the translators have had enough of people yelling how they hate Jaeyoung and decided to do this mass update just to make people see character development and FINALLY shut up with their hate. Thank you, honeys! : D It was really unbearable to read all that shit in the comments.
Like the authors did such a good job to show why both characters act the way they do, all the freaking nuances, but people only have to see one side and act like judges, right? Guess because they're all saints who have never done anything wrong in their lives! So instead of understanding the character and accepting that people are people, they act on emotions, and even if you're a good person you can do some things that are not mature and right sometimes, let's just drown him in hate and feel good about ourselves.
Anyway, thanks for the update again! I hope the authors can keep up the good work cause it has been absolutely brilliant in all aspects so far and they manage to crack me up in every single chapter : D
P. S. Sangwoo's face when he saw his fav seat empty is the cutest and happiest expression I've every seen on a person's face :D he's such a hun bun!
May 17, 2020
@Ya_sveta If people are people was a satisfactory excuse for bad behaviour than we wouldn't need laws and court systems. He's still an asshole and he's not turning over a new leaf because he feels any remorse or cares about how Sangwoo was stressed to the point of being jittery and losing sleep, he's doing this because he didn't completely get what he wanted out of harassing CSW: he got noticed through creating a negative experience related to JJY for CSW but he's still unsatisfied with CSW not admiring him the way other hoobae do.

This isn't some accident like he lost his temper or talked shit about CSW. He orchestrated a long-term plan to ruin CSW's peace at school. He did it calmly and with malicious intent. He didn't even do it due to losing an opportunity/not graduating. He's said he's over that.

And he's not sorry about it. That's the funniest part. Why are you redeeming someone who doesn't desire redemption. He's completely happy with upsetting CSW. He likes his disturbed face. He's only showing a 'nicer side' (how nice is it when there's no attempt at consideration for the other person) because he's jealous and wants to disrupt the budding relationship he thinks CSW is in.

Have respect for the author's intentionality in showing all those sides to JJY.

While I'm thankful to the translating team, isn't an active discussion relating to the actual story and characters the best way to reward their efforts? Even your beloved JJY knows the value of a negative reaction.

And I honestly I'm interested in this story even if it's a little suffocating or I definitely wouldn't be writing novels to almost every episode.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2018
Thanks for the bulk update! Finally he's going to stop stalking/harassing him...but not because he's sorry, he just wants Good attention now...I'd like an actual apology from formely red jacket eventually though...

I do hope Jaeyoung gets some type of consequence for being an asshole to Sangwoo...really hope the friendship doesn't magically happen lol. I can't even ship them yet either, really hope it doesn't progress like the cliche one shot BLs...
Nov 24, 2018
Thanks for the maasive update💜💜
I'm really interested with how will they develop Sangwoo character since for me his personality is the worst from the whole cast.
Jul 28, 2020
thanks for the hard work guys!!

@ceereus major galaxy brain lol

i agree, this is the rare type of bl that becomes interesting because of the plot development and very much less so because of your hope of the couple coming to fruition (although that will probably happen evetually)

and yeah, JJY has some shit to reflect on fr... unlike CSW who is clearly neurodivergent, JJY just has Rich Entitled Male Syndrome. CSW is finally socialising and getting close to another person, and he immediately takes it personally because "this robot" is being reactive to someone else, and positively at that.

it's one thing for two people to mutually be aggressive against each other (in which it's a good enemies to lovers trope), but this is an unbalanced power dynamic. JJY has the potential to put a scholarship student at risk of losing financial help, and as far as we know, CSW definitely needs it.

CSW has shown no signs of lenience nor doubt, JJY is firmly a stalker, a harasser, and a sadist in his mind. and as you said before, JJY isn't even harassing him because he's mad about his degree anymore, he genuinely enjoys seeing CSW miserable. he's changing his behaviour for his own benefit, not CSW's. CSW has become his shiny new plaything

and i also agree that it's good to be critical about media. that's part of the fun! stories are meant to be discussed, and especially for early stages of relationship development like this, it's normal for readers to be agitated, that was probably the author's intentions before his redemption arc anyway.
Aug 13, 2018
Thank you so much for the chapters! Wonderful translation as always! <3

I really don't get why people get so upset about Jaeyoung's personality and actions... For one thing, this is a manhwa... Characters oftentimes act outside of what one would consider 'normal behaviour' simply because of the fact that it is A STORY - authors will oftentimes employ plot devices to bring the story forward that some readers might disagree with such as ... rape, the overused "blackmail-excuse" trope etc. I like how that doesn't seem to be the case in this story; their little 'squabble' is essentially what "brings them together" but it's not a ridiculous one like the ones I mentioned.. in my opinion.

I think it's refreshing when characters aren't "perfect" from all angles; it makes for some pretty hilarious scenes in this manhwa and it reflects the interesting dynamic between the characters which will probably change over the course of the story, seeing as... Jaeyoung doesn't seem to fully comprehend the fact that he's in fact teasing Sangwoo because he's attracted to him. C:
Haven't we grown immune to characters being unreasonable at this point? I have, at least. Some stories attempt to emulate real life to the extent that I, as a reader, will apply the mindset to evaluate the characters and their actions as if they were real people. However, this story is clearly (to me at least) a COMIC that paints a caricature of a story that could potentially unfold in real life. Thus, I treat the characters... As 'characters'. ;DD Jaeyoung's teasing is an element to the story that exists to bring the story forward while also serving as some comic relief, lol. Otherwise, things would get too serious (and perhaps a little boring, if you ask me) **this suddenly turned into a wall-of-text** whoopsie

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