Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan: Noukou Giga - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Audience

Nov 1, 2018
what strategy will she use to get rice? Also, they will have a higher percent yield of rice just because a portion nolonger needs to go to the farmers. Who knows... rice is good.
Aggregator gang
Apr 20, 2018
interesting...a strong japan would cause interesting changes in world history...
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2018

It'd be scary af man.

Off WW2 alone, they'd probably do everything a lot faster, accelerating the timeline. Finish conquering Asia faster and properly destroy Pearl Harbour (apparently some air carriers weren't destroyed).
Finish their asian conquering -> Actually supporting Germany's invasion on Russia (I believe there was a plan of a pincer attack) -> Russia goes down.
Air carriers -> well, not exactly sure about timelines, but maybe that nuke might not been able to been deployed.

Ergo Axis powers win.

That said, I'm not exactly a history person, and this is just speculation (disclaimer alert right here).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Japan would have failed nonetheless. Given their non-expansion nature, only subduing territories and sending the riches back to the home country, even with new supply routes that could reach Russia through the eastern end in order to do a pincer attack, they'd have reached a problem related to their supply chain overstretching; ammunition, rations, fuel, and pretty much all their resources had to be transported by ground supply lines, and that not only requires a good knowledge of the terrain, but also weather, temperature changes and humidity, wild-life, etc. And the exact same problem that the Nazi encountered when trying to invade Russia would have happened to the Japanese if they had managed to try: Their machinery stopped working, the rations were not adapted to the weather they went to, their clothes and training, knowledge of the lay of the land... it was an absolute defeat.
Still, if this timeline keeps going, Japan might become a major power despite its small amount of resources, and the Japanese being good merchants back then because of the restrictions, they'd be able to compete in the world market much sooner, and the government will understand that a capitalist economy is more efficient to develop a stronger country, since it allows the spread of resources throughout the land in a homogeneous manner, vs a controlled environment that needs to decide where goes what and is obviously hindered by the individual greed of the few in power. In the end, they will join the allied powers instead of the axis. WWII might not even happen in this timeline given that the Axis powers will be surrounded on 3 fronts by the allied powers, and the URSS right on top of them. It's also likely the cold war will not happen either, since the won't get a chance to help much, so it will also probably collapse sooner than in our timeline. China might have also been spared from all the dumb massacres the Japanese did in our timelines, as well as the Koreans and who knows what else... what's clear is the world wouldn't be like it is today, it would have been probably better, hopefully anyway.

Thank boredom-kun for the above, not me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@Antairan To this day, Japan and most island nations' economy is severely limited by lack of arable land and limitations of sea transport. Even if the rice riots caused by famine are prevented, we still have dock workers going on strike. Also I would argue an improved economy would have increased Japanese's expansion into Asia past China, Korea, and Sakhalin initially only for further logistics nightmares to arise from their backwards military hierarchy, and nothing resolving the biggest obstacle, the Sea of Japan.

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Fuko Who is her husband, Nobunaga? No modern woman would want to be a concubine plus he is too old. Nobunaga at this point already has 3 wives, Nohime, Kitsuno and Lady Saka. His son maybe even the same age as her. There also the things called sosial class where samurai only married those in the same class as them or noble. Children that are not from noble linage will be looked down and don't have any political power or status.
You don't know if her action would change history. In Nobunaga no Chef, no matter what the MC does, the history will go back to its course.

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