I get your desire and feel you. But at the same time, that story revolves around the second archetype:
about their relationship.
You either get the fuckin'bout and burst to the obvious or "Getting to the relationship".
Example: Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko!
Or you have the slow build-up to the obvious or "About their relationship".
Example: Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa.
Typically, the best we to tell the difference is the circumstances of their 'relationship'.
"Are they connected via some plot device?" is the most used in RomCom.
If the answer is 'No' it's usually the first, there are
some exceptions to that though
(Mostly Harem). And 'Yes' is mostly the second, I don't know of any exceptions for that, though.
Every so often you'll get a
bait-n-switch story. But these are also usually put in the first archetype. Harem stories also fall into the first type most of the time.
EDIT: added some information to make it less ambiguous.