Senpai, Oishiidesu ka?

Group Leader
Mar 31, 2023
I hope this isn't going where i think it is :(
Frankly it seems to be leaning more towards her having diabetes or some sort of health related issue that affects her enough that she has to watch what she eats (the whole "it's sweet" and wanting to try sweet things often kind of set it off for me). I don't get any tragedy or psycho vibes or anything at least, with what we've got uploaded now. Just feels more like insecurity about being seen as weak and imperfect that makes Mori a little creepy and controlling, but who knows; maybe she just likes playing with people. I feel like the tags would have been updated for that if that's what the "drama" was, though.

What did you pick up on?
Apr 5, 2023
in my opinion I like it so far not gonna lie. This seems cute, I just hope Mori is ok seeing that she goes to a therapist.
Group Leader
Mar 31, 2023
Finally hearing the revelation on why Mori is the way she is is both hilarious and oddly disappointing, but I'm prepared to see where this goes. Her whole personality, now that her "condition" is revealed, makes sense. She's putting on airs because she doesn't want to be pitied or fretted over, and constantly has to lie to impress people and make connections. Personally I don't get why it would be such a big deal to just announce what's going on, but that's just me. It's weird yeah but it's not like her condition makes her unloveable and a monster. I was totally expecting something dramatic and heartbreaking, like she only had a year to live or something and also was a psychopath.

Apr 17, 2023
Just finished this, fucking no.
3/10. sub-mid.

if you are reading this for the potential, drop it. unfortunately, literally all of said potential gets squandered.
fundamental tension in the narrative is not resolved by the end, and I argue this needed at least 20 additional chapters to develop.
The story was severely undercooked and unfinished. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME IF YOU ARE READING FOR POTENTIAL.

Although the depiction of relationship struggles esp with someone who has trauma was solid, the couple is never forced to overcome any of the issues that inevitably arise when that happens. This is deeply upsetting especially considering that many of the sweetest moments in a relationship occur when problems are discussed and understood, and both sides (hopefully) still accept each other and (uwu) I still love you and Mori cries and says I'm sorry I lied to you ;;-; I really don't deserve you and so on. While this was attempted in once when discussing Mori's inability to taste yes she cant taste food, you clicked the spoiler, Miho's acceptance was one-sided and the fundamental issue left unaddressed. She does not seek to understand Mori's trauma which caused her to lose her taste. on one hand, ok, leave it because you should give her space, maybe she can discuss her trauma more? but no they do not bring this up again and the issue is presumably considered resolved? which is absolutely unacceptable considering Miho is literally a pure foodie and on one hand like OK who doesn't love a partner who will love all your fave foods but also Mori will be unable to taste her best creations?? like how is that OK? what if someone Miho's friends decide that her food is wonderful and give actual adoring feedback? how will that affect the relationship? that won't feel good for Mori but it's not like she can just snap her fingers and, (bam!) trauma fixed, but then she must feel terrible being unable to bond with Miho that way. This is difficult to resolve and what I considered to be the primary conflict but literally a story is about resolving said conflict so they become a happily ever after couple. The fact this is unresolved is unacceptable.

Our MC Miho does not overcome the issues with Mori's friends literally bullying her like wtf why would you be ok with that and this will be a serious issue in the relationship going forward, but no like she just takes it?!?? even in the last chapter?? unacceptable that this does not resolved. This can and will also cause relationship tensions and if Mori is inevitably by her choice or by their choice cut off from her friend group which is what presumably will happen, since our main couple goes happily ever after. Mori will convince herself that she deserved to be cut off and it will hurt a lot and that is absolutely not trivial. If she grows to over-rely on Miho then this is not the basis for a health relationship. This is similarly unresolved. Saying 'oh Mori's friends were into her and they give up now' does not solve the conflict! what do they do, abandon mori entirely? stay in a one-sided love? This will adversely affect Miho to say the least. will she be worried? jealous? intimidated? physically injured? any way it is unresolved. unacceptable.
EDIT: I came back a while back, and saw a few other people saying "Oh, Axe kun~ T-T" in the last chapter comments; I call bullshit. this is not a valid defense. if Axe kun was at fault, you DON'T EXPAND THE CONFLICT FURTHER IN WHAT YOU KNOW WILL BE THE LAST CHAPTER. IF THE AUTHOUR DID NOT WANT TO WASTE OUR TIME, TIE THE THREADS UP RATHAR THAN EXPAND THEM. WHAT THE FUCK.

yes they were cute together but they never had the heart-pounding sweetness that some other series offer, but they were cute and the writing was accurate so that gives them a 3.

some may think this is harsh, and since the characters were cute they deserve higher. I disagree, since they could be cuter if the writing was better and I value my time and I despise having it wasted on a nothing-burger of a narrative.
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Jan 30, 2023
Just finished this, fucking no.
3/10. sub-mid.

if you are reading this for the potential, drop it. unfortunately, literally all of said potential gets squandered.
fundamental tension in the narrative is not resolved by the end, and I argue this needed at least 20 additional chapters to develop.
The story was severely undercooked and unfinished. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME IF YOU ARE READING FOR POTENTIAL.

Although the depiction of relationship struggles esp with someone who has trauma was solid, the couple is never forced to overcome any of the issues that inevitable arise when that happens. This is deeply upsetting especially considering that many of the sweetest moments in a relationship occur when problems are discussed and understood, and both sides (hopefully) still accept each other and uwu I still love you and Mori cries and says I'm sorry I lied to you ;;-; I really don't deserve you and anyways. While this was attempted in once when discussing Mori's inability to taste yes she cant taste food, you clicked the spoiler, Miho's acceptance was one-sided and the fundamental issue left unaddressed. She does not seek to understand Mori's trauma which caused her to lose her taste. on one hand, ok, leave it because you should give her space, maybe she can discuss her trauma more? but no they do not bring this up again and the issue is presumable considered resolved? which is absolutely unacceptable considering Miho is literally a pure foodie and on one hand like OK who doesnt love a partner who will love all your fave foods but also Mori will be unable to taste her best creations?? like how is that OK? what if someone Miho's friends decide that her food is wonderful and give actual adoring feedback? how will that affect the relation ship? that won't feel good for Mori and it's not like she can just snap her fingers and, bam! trauma fixed, but then she must feel terrible being unable to bond with Miho that way. This is difficult to resolve and what I considered to be the primary conflict but literally a story is about resolving said conflict so they become a happily ever after couple. The fact this is unresolved is unacceptable.

Our MC Miho does not overcome the issues with Mori's friends literally bullying her like wtf why would you be ok with that and this will be a serious issue in the relationship going forward but no like she just takes it?!?? even in the last chapter?? unacceptable that this does not resolved. This can and will also cause relationship tensions and if Mori is inevitably by choice or by their choice cut off from her friend group which is what presumably happen, since our main couple goes happily ever after. Mori will convince herself that she deserved to be cut off and it will hurt a lot and that is absolutely not trivial. If she grows to over-rely on Miho then this is not the basis for a health relationship. This is similarly unresolved. Saying 'oh Mori's friends were into her and they give up now' does not solve the conflict! what do they do, abandon mori entirely? stay in a one-sided love? This will adversely affect Miho to say the least. will she be worried? jealous? intimidated? physically injured? any way it is unresolved. unacceptable.

yes they were cute together but they never had the heart-pounding sweetness that some other series offer, but they were cute and the writing was accurate so that gives them a 3.

some may think this is harsh, and since the characters were cute they deserve higher. I disagree, since thet could be cuter if the writing was better and I value my time and I despise having it wasted on a nothing-burger of a narrative.
I totally agree. It's so disappointing since this could've gone somewhere but just didn't...
So annoying I wasted my time on this.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 26, 2023

it's a bit frustrating that the whole "she can't taste food and probably has an eating disorder due to trauma" is not elaborated on. like that's a key point of her character and it just ends up being nothing by the end?
on top of that the other protag is like somewhat asexual leaning near the start and just tosses that out the window at the end. it's like her "no real romantic or sexual attraction", that seemed to develop a worry of not being able to please her partner, could have been a decent parallel with the unable to eat thing but it's also just dropped for generic romance?
sad to see wasted potential of resolving trauma...
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Active member
Jul 13, 2024
Ugh I should've actually listened to the comments. This was terrible. The senpai is just an awful person who doesn't take the main girl's feelings seriously at all, and it doesn't feel like a single person actually respects her at all except for her brother (sure he teases her a bit but I think it's a normal amount from a sibling, and it still seems like he cares for her a lot). Like even her friend says only one thing in her defense but then a few pages later is like "I think I like this person." Like what? The only thing this has going for it is the art is pretty good. Other than that, trash. I just wanted a cute Yuri cooking manga like She Likes to Cook, She Likes to Eat.

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