Sensei Lock-On! 2nd

Jan 15, 2019
They have being living together for more than a year, 0 kiss have happen, no sex, grab arms once, link arms once. The dude must have the biggest blue balls in history if you ask me
Jan 18, 2018
Finally decided I need to drop this as it's just getting annoying now. Why do they always do this in manga, have characters that are either dense as fuck or don't have the balls to do anything. I guess the author has ran out of ideas and is just padding the story now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I used to follow the prequel for this, because translated vanilla manga used to be a rarity, we had much more scans for battle shonen and some other hits
Now, this thing doesn't hold a candle to any good vanilla manga
In fact, this author, on an act of desperation, just went the 'jealously trope' trying to spice things up on his already failed story.

This is the problem when an author has this childlike idea that display of affection/ intimacy on a romance manga means closure and the end of it. They literally cannot imagine what comes next.
Jan 21, 2018
This turned into a garbage series real fast. The same gimmick recycled, what, five times now? Rated 4 and dropped.
Sep 17, 2019
Tava bom até certo ponto, do nada virou uma porcaria que fica metendo uma montanha de rivais.
único ponto positivo são as partes cute, mais nada.
Active member
Nov 12, 2018
Was really a fan, but hate it now. If she can't straight forwardly reject someone else then the relationship is pointless. Just shows how much she cares about him. Also, she's taking advantage of the fact that he trusts her. She on the other hand is still not rejecting anyone. I wouldn't be suprised if she almost gets married to someone else(because she can't say no) while he comes last minute. Honestly, she has said no more times to him because she is embarrassed than she has to the other pursuers. Really ruined the series. First season was awesome. And she goes on a date with third person, just because her boyfriend trusts her. He should freaking break with her. What a let down.
The author really did it bad. No wonder there's no sequel to this.
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
I honestly am not sure how to feel about this ending. I originally was about the flip my shit because it seemed like we were going to get a non-ending. Then i saw the last 4 pages which function as an epilogue which brought me back up to "the manga could have been better but at least we got the ending that readers wanted."
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
overstretched story, author backed himself into a corner, there was NEVER proper advance of the relationship.

@havelmom indeed i'm fucking tired of romance anime that "they kissed" means the end of the story, usually in the last panel of the last page, i can honestly count in one hand the GOOD romance stories where the relationship STARTS at the beginning of the story
Nov 12, 2018
Jesus, I couldn't even be bothered to finish reading the whole last chapter. Glad (not in a good way) that this is finally over.
Apr 20, 2018
Holy hell. That was it? Going to spoiler most of my thoughts, but for the non-spoiler version, this series isn't worth reading, there is no relationship development past the first Sensei Lock-On until the very end, and you don't even get to see it, it's a timeskip.
This is some of the laziest shit I have ever read. The author could have portrayed the relationship developing instead of introducing these new men to hound the teacher, but nah, fuck that, we need to portray the teacher as a doormat who can't say no and Yamato as a cuckold who can't assert he is in a relationship with her and allows a guy to hound and try to kiss his girlfriend and even lets another man go on a fucking date with her while he sits back and watches with the aforementioned man that tried to fucking kiss her. Then after introducing these pointless filler characters, we timeskip past anything interesting, such as if the teacher revealed she was in a relationship with a former student, to her students reacting to her taking up Yamato Kazuki's family name, shit, we don't even definitively know at the end whether or not Yamato even managed to become a fucking full time teacher.

I never thought this series would nosedive like this.
Jan 5, 2020
Well that was annoying, I would suggest reading to chapter 13 and skip to the last chapter.
Or if you WISH to see couple new characters and get slight idea behind them, read until chapter 18 and Skip to the last chapter.
Apr 19, 2019
Like the guy below me mentioned, just read until ch.13 and skip to the last chapter. Or don't read this sequel at all. The prequel was good, but this one is (pretty much) a garbage. It was nice and all up to ch.13 but after that it was a forced story. Bad stuff.

10/10 for the prequel (this one's actually good stuff)

5/10 for the sequel (it is that bad)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Whelp, I was coming to drop the warning, but I see all my fellows readers have already done so.

Although it's actually not chapter 13, but chapter 15.
Okay, here's dem apples.

Og story was pretty okay. 0 development, but hey, for a friggin' 4-koma comedy/romance (not romance/comedy, no; comedy/romance) that was more or less expected. It was okay.
Then there's this sequel. If you expected something like "tiny senpai" where the sequel is them married and living together or something...perish the thought. It's exactly the same as original. I guess it was divided cause editorial issues or something.
There IS some minimal progress that I won't go into detail cause spoilers, but...really not even worth discussing.

So, for the first 15 chapters this sequel is just about the same as og story. And then chapter 16 happens. Author suffers a stroke or something and decides it's a good idea to add characters that have LITERALLY no other reason for existing than adding useless, and even more, STUPID drama. And what I mean by that is that it's not even "drama", cause we continue with the 4-koma comedy premise. It's just annoying. VERY annoying.

So you have 3 options.
1) Skip this altogether. It's fine, really.
2) Read until chapter 15, included. If you liked the original, you'll like this, generally speaking.
3) If you wanna risk it, read until chapter 15, then read chapter 31 but ONLY pages 17, 18 and 19 (the last 3). You can risk page 16, but it's slightly annoying too.

And then there's option 4), I guess. Read everything? But really, why would you do that? It's a terrible, terrible idea.
Jun 27, 2018
It would've been hilarious if Kazukis sister would've married the male elementary school nurse in the end.
Although she helped a bit in the development of the "story", she was cut short and didn't get a happy end,which is sad.
Maybe she should've been the one who defended Kyouko against these men to begin with, since Kazuki didn't really have the guts to do so.

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