>Be Me
>Be going for a walk, about mid-May
>Home because of the Quarantine
>Find a random cell phone on the ground
>Look around because I'm trying not to appear suspicious (which is ironically more suspicious)
>That there is missed message on the lock screen from someone named Bob [...]
>First thing I do is like on my phone on what to do because I'm an unoriginal hack
>Ask Siri who owns the phone
>Named Karen [....] (She wasn't actually named Karen but when I saw her she looked like one)
>Karen has the same last name as Bob so I assume they're related
>Ask to call Bob like three times to see if I could get info
>No response
>Wait for 10 minutes, nothing happens
>Decide that because I have no other options, that I should call 911 because it's the only thing I can do on their phone
>Tell them I found a lost cellphone and that it belongs it someone named [...], and to see if anyone by that name lives in the area, though I also said there's the possibility there's been like a random kidnapping/murder, though unlikely
>They say they'll come by to pick it up, and ask me to describe what I'm wearing and where I am though I don't know the street so I have to describe the addresses around me. (Don't read too deeply into that last part)
>Wait for 30 minutes, low priority call so nothing
>Eventually I get a call from the Owners
>They're nearby, and I have to direct them to where I am
>I see them and before I give it back I ask them to unlock the phone, which they do
>Tell them just to call 911 back and say they found the phone