@nanze The reason why he(and probably you and a lot of other people) are so mad is because they're experiencing cognitive dissonance. The guy is a rapist asshole, so you want him to be an inexcusable, unforgivable monster in all other aspects too. And now he's getting a backstory with - gasp - some sort of reason why he turned out that way. You don't want that. You want him to have been a monster from the beginning, from the moment he was born, and probably a bully in school, incompetent at his job(that he only got because of his dad's connections, I bet!!!111) and preferably ugly(well that ship has already sailed, too bad for you)
This has nothing to do with "predictable plot", it's just an excuse Yautja is using to try and give his - otherwise entirely emotional and therefore baseless - argument some sort of merit.
@Ryrie funny, and here I was thinking it's a manga about Women Becoming Strong and Independent.