Sensitive Boy - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - It was fun

Jul 9, 2023
I’m cheering for them, but I can’t help but feel worried that something will go wrong
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Guys i feel like half of you already read the raws and hardly holding it in lol. im reading very sus comments :) Just keep holding
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2020
Wahey, now this is a surprising story to come out of the misogynistic hellhole called japan.
Now to see if 46 can actually pull the drama off without making it a superficial romance drama, consider me in :meguupog:
Double-page supporter
May 1, 2023
Hmm from the looks of it, our boy is slowly recovering but for the girl seems like she has a past of her own orsomthin. hopefully author wont do a 190 angle on the plot
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2019
She's nice but I wonder if she lacks understanding....
I feel like those with PTSD and trauma relayed reactions, its always gonna be a pervasive issue. A lack of understanding isn’t a copout, but someone one person can never fully know what lays in another’s eyes. At best we can only be patient and understanding as best we can.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
True but the ending when she said "I don't really get guys" made me a little... irked off. I am not saying she's anything negative. I just feel there is something off with the character.
You know more than she does-- that's what's going on. She can't react to something she knows nothing about.

Honestly, she's miraculously patient, given how little she knows about the guy and how erratic his behavior around her has so far been.

The topic has been handled very well so far... Especially, the amount of trauma you experience after going through something like that. Physical contact has become a very scary thing, and you always feel like you're not worthy of anyone, like you're somehow dirty... Trusting people you don't know, especially opening up about those things, is very difficult. It takes a lot of time to be able to talk to someone else, especially if you want to have a relationship with that person... The intense fear of being rejected for something that's not your fault, or something you couldn't have done anything about... It's painful. Opening up about it is just... agonizing, but you learn to cope with it... Eventually, but it's never really over. It's like living in an abyss of insecurities. I'm really grateful for the translators, and I hope the manga continue at a nice pace, and that our sensitive boy can have a truly happy and fulfilling ending... I truly do.

I got to thinking about this kind of praise, since it's been popping up here and there in the threads for the other chapters: there's no one way to "handle" a character's personal manifestation of any topic, because there's no one way that real people themselves handle the same issues within themselves. There are several ways this character could have been written to handle his violation.

What's almost certainly necessary, however, is that the way that the character manifests the matter is engaging, and that the point being made in his character is congruent with the rest of the story (an everpresent endeavor). A big part of the former is being able to present it in a consistent way we can believe on some level-- and I think this character is consistent.

This would be important if the plot goes in some unforeseen direction... which I don't imagine it will.

But you never know.
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Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Wahey, now this is a surprising story to come out of the misogynistic hellhole called japan.
Wow, look. We got a smartass kid over here, How cute. =w=

1. For all the problems Japan has, none of which can't be found elsewhere, by the way, calling it a "hellhole" simply shows how little knowledge you have of the world. There are nearly 200 countries on this planet, in which about half of that number have worse living conditions than Japan. Yeah, many people would love to live in that hellhole.
I've seen this type of comment on Youtube before. Was hoping to not see such idiocy here as well, but here it is.
2. If they are really that misogynistic, this type of story would have been more common, in order to make women look bad. What relevance does this comment even have to this story? None.
3. I don't expect much intelligence from the people who post this type of comment, but feel free do keep yapping to feel good about yourself.

Japan's gender equality issue is a deeper conversation than just "huh duh it's a hellhole i'm smart unlike the weebs", but some folks gotta get some internet points, somehow.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Honestly, she's miraculously patient, given how little she knows about the guy and how erratic his behavior around her has so far been.
She just had a great date with him, every moment of which she enjoyed, apart from the very end, which was surprising, but not anything like disgusting. So, I'm not sure she's miraculously patient, just maturely patient. It was a pretty significant and brave decision from her to confess in the first place, after such brief previous interaction with the guy, so you could say she's deeply invested in this whole thing. Since she was the one confessing, she might feel more responsible as well, both to the guy and herself.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2020
Wow, look. We got a smartass kid over here, How cute. =w=

1. For all the problems Japan has, none of which can't be found elsewhere, by the way, calling it a "hellhole" simply shows how little knowledge you have of the world. There are nearly 200 countries on this planet, in which about half of that number have worse living conditions than Japan. Yeah, many people would love to live in that hellhole.
I've seen this type of comment on Youtube before. Was hoping to not see such idiocy here as well, but here it is.
2. If they are really that misogynistic, this type of story would have been more common, in order to make women look bad. What relevance does this comment even have to this story? None.
3. I don't expect much intelligence from the people who post this type of comment, but feel free do keep yapping to feel good about yourself.

Japan's gender equality issue is a deeper conversation than just "huh duh it's a hellhole i'm smart unlike the weebs", but some folks gotta get some internet points, somehow.
I am amazed that in order to feel good about yourself you went through the efforts of making an objectively wrong paragraph where you provide approximately zero concrete proof, wrote a listicle that are simply ad hominem (You're welcome to google that) and none of your argument actually disprove my claim. Kudos to you. Sure, I'll entertain your reply :meguusmug:
according to a survey done by the Japanese sexual assault survivors' organization in 2020, with data pulled from interview with 5899 victims of sexual assault.
  • 98% victims are female.
  • 34% of these victims were harassed by "parents, parents' partners, relatives, or other acquaintances.".
  • Acknowledging the sexual assault took eight or more years for 34.8% of respondents. You might be thinking, "sure but what does these statistics have to do with anything". So I invite you to think, this is data pulled from victims known by the organization. Surely you can imagine that the actual numbers are much worse.If you read the article, you'll see that 15% of 5899 victims contacted police, only 7% of reports accepted by police, and a whopping 0.7% of them find their attackers actually punished by law.

    Now that we have went through the boring numbers, let me go through your points.
    • Is it a hellhole? YES
    • Are there worse hellhole on earth? YES
    • Does it make Japan any less hellhole-like? NO
    • Is Japan's culture mysogynistic? yea kinda look like it
    • Would Japan's mysoginistic culture make and I quote, "make this story more common"? Not really? It does take a lot of courage to point out hipocrisy especially as part of a vulnerable group. As shown in the statistics.
Now, I do agree with that last part of your comment. Japan's gender equality problem goes very deep. But holy hell mate, if you're trying to dunk on someone for being wrong, attack the argument, not the person. Otherwise it's just apparent to everyone that you're acting like a redditor trying to stroke your own cock.

So yeah, If you actually read until this part, good job. You learned something. I'm happy for you. But again, strike the argument, not the person.

(also holy shit this forum is not easy to edit texts in lmao)
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Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
You continue to demonstrate that you are nothing more than a loud-mouth idiot who thinks you are smarter than anyone here. I already feel good about myself for not being an ignorant desperate attention-whore like your type. Dissing you is just putting cherry on top of a cake.

I am amazed that in order to feel good about yourself you went through the efforts of making an objectively wrong paragraph where you provide approximately zero concrete proof, wrote a listicle that are simply ad hominem (You're welcome to google that) and none of your argument actually disprove my claim. Already have. Sorry you can't read or accept it. Your loss. I can't win argument with an idiot, after all. Kudos to you. Sure, I'll entertain your reply :meguusmug:
according to a survey done by the Japanese sexual assault survivors' organization in 2020, with data pulled from interview with 5899 victims of sexual assault.
  • 98% victims are female. Because in many places, male victims aren't taken seriously. That's why most victims are going to be female.
  • 34% of these victims were harassed by "parents, parents' partners, relatives, or other acquaintances.".
  • Acknowledging the sexual assault took eight or more years for 34.8% of respondents. You might be thinking, "sure but what does these statistics have to do with anything". So I invite you to think, this is data pulled from victims known by the organization. Surely you can imagine that the actual numbers are much worse.If you read the article, you'll see that 15% of 5899 victims contacted police, only 7% of reports accepted by police, and a whopping 0.7% of them find their attackers actually punished by law.
    You can make this same argument anywhere.

    Now that we have went through the boring numbers, let me go through your points.
    • Is it a hellhole? YES Lol, okay, kid. Keep being edgy.
    • Are there worse hellhole on earth? YES
    • Does it make Japan any less hellhole-like? NO
How stupid. After I have seen how the other hellholes look like, takes like this clearly show me you're an ignorant wanker. Nothing more. Stay dumb in whichever hellhole you're in. Spoiled brats like you take things for granted and won't know and how good you've had it until you lose everything.
    • Is Japan's culture mysogynistic? yea kinda look like it
    • Would Japan's mysoginistic culture make and I quote, "make this story more common"? Not really? It does take a lot of courage to point out hipocrisy especially as part of a vulnerable group. As shown in the statistics. Your comment was still completely irrelevant to the manga. Simply a desperate attempt to stroke your shitty ego. Trying to backtrack now?
Now, I do agree with that last part of your comment. Japan's gender equality problem goes very deep. But holy hell mate, if you're trying to dunk on someone for being wrong, attack the argument, not the person. Otherwise it's just apparent to everyone that you're acting like a redditor trying to stroke your own cock.
If I were a redditor, I'd have fawned over your comment, which I didn't. You had no argument. I simply detest white trash and dumb kids who exaggerate and think they know more than other people.

So yeah, If you actually read until this part, good job. You learned something. I'm happy for you. But again, strike the argument, not the person.
I learned by doing actual research, not by reading some SJW bullshit. So much for acting like smartass and bringing in nothing new, but hey, whatever helps you feel better.
Of course I did my research, that's why I know you are just a twittard looking for some internet validation. You are not getting any of that this time.
There seems to be a trend in which some idiot would start bitching about Japan's issue, in any comment section of a manga or video, desperately to show his knowledge, even if it's completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. You're just another one of those social media dwellers. Get off the internet and go get some sunlight, fatty.

There's only one place where your kind of insects belongs. A certain list where I can no longer see your nonsense.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
according to a survey done by the Japanese sexual assault survivors' organization in 2020, with data pulled from interview with 5899 victims of sexual assault.
  • 98% victims are female.
  • 34% of these victims were harassed by "parents, parents' partners, relatives, or other acquaintances.".
  • Acknowledging the sexual assault took eight or more years for 34.8% of respondents. You might be thinking, "sure but what does these statistics have to do with anything". So I invite you to think, this is data pulled from victims known by the organization. Surely you can imagine that the actual numbers are much worse.If you read the article, you'll see that 15% of 5899 victims contacted police, only 7% of reports accepted by police, and a whopping 0.7% of them find their attackers actually punished by law.
  • Why did you bold the first bullet point like it was indicative of anything special? Are we supposed to be seeking equality in sex offense victims? The actual number of sexual assaults, and that number relative to its population is also important context. And violent crime-- especially in industrialized countries-- is bound to be committed by a stark criminal minority of the population.
  • Why did you bold what you did in your second bullet point like it was indicative of anything special? It isn't-- it's well known that sexual offenses are often at the hands of people that have some pre-existing relationship with the victim.
  • Your third statement is an argument from silence that's too sure of itself-- it may be worse than what's known by the organization in question, but you wouldn't ever be able to know this because you couldn't have that information by definition.
Furthermore, the statistics about accepted reports and convictions belie the complex nature of law and the circumstances arbitrated in the legal context. If you take any amount of years to report your sexual assault, the evidence is almost certainly going to be decayed. If there's not enough extant conclusive evidence, you can't get a conviction, and that's just how it is. If you overcharge or mischarge (on purpose or by zeal), you undermine the strength of a prosecutory case-- and that's without getting into whether or not there's adequate statutes by which rapists can be charged. This is all assuming that every case reported to this agency is real and truly sexual assault.

You haven't demonstrated anything substantial in service of the idea that Japan can reasonably be called a "misogynistic hellhole". Discussing the implications of known cultural principles would have been more useful and conclusive, though I suspect you still wouldn't be able to substantiate your thesis with that.
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
Interesting manga. But what has suddenly caused all these darker manga to spawn up suddenly??
We are in the era of exploring humanity more deeply. I've noticed an uptick of both extreme dark & light presentations.
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
Yeah if you are a man good luck trying to convince someone that you were raped by a woman, i seen people in the comment section of this manga saying that man cant be rape unless the rapist is another man, in most of the countrys if you suffer any abuse as a man by a woman you may as well off yourself, because if talk about it you will be judged by everyone around you as a weak man, you will lose all your "man stocks"' in the dating market and if you try to have the law by your side is more easy that the offender have you in jail instead. I have seen shit like this happen to people around me, makes me scare of dating...
Reminds of me that one case in the US where a man was going to be killed by his wife. He found out about the plot and reported to the police with evidence. Her prison time went from 20 years to like 6 months, and she got a television appearances and stuff. The media was bashing the husband.

Plus the thousands of reddit posts where men share vulnerabilities. Any time the abuser was a women, they were ignored, harassed even more, counter-blamed, laughed at etc.
Double-page supporter
Jan 9, 2023
Japan can reasonably be called a "misogynistic hellhole".
I mean, to be fair the cameras of phones from Japan can't be silenced because of just how much creep-shotting goes on over there and sexual harrasment is as common as ants.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
I mean, to be fair the cameras of phones from Japan can't be silenced because of just how much creep-shotting goes on over there and sexual harrasment is as common as ants.
If it was anywhere close to a "misogynistic hellhole", nobody would bother with taking measures against the former or even noticing the latter.
Double-page supporter
Jan 9, 2023
If it was anywhere close to a "misogynistic hellhole", nobody would bother with taking measures against the former or even noticing the latter.
No, not particularly. If anything, the fact that the issue of creep-shotting (a form of sexual harassment) is so commonplace and widespread that manufactueres have made it so that camera shutter noises cannot be turned off is only indictive of how deep-seeded misogynistic sexual harassment is in that society and how much of a hell-hole it can be. Think about it. If it wasn't so bad why would they even need to do such a questionable thing in the first place? Japan isn't Sharia Law levels of misogyny but it can be pretty bad imo.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
If anything, the fact that the issue of creep-shotting (a form of sexual harassment) is so commonplace and widespread--
It's not "commonplace". It's a pronounced issue, yes, but it's not every third guy or girl with a cellphone that's taking voyeuristic photographs. It's inherently deviant behavior perpetrated by a stark minority of the population willing to commit it-- as is the case for crime in general.

You're focusing on the fact that it happens, instead of on the fact that they care to do anything about it because they realize on their own that it's not right that it happens. That doesn't happen in a "misogynistic hellhole", period.

This is all regardless of the social issues Japan does have in regards to its cultural conception of women.

Would it be apt to call countries that have higher known per capita rape/sexual assault rates compared to Japan "even more misogynistic hellholes"? Even when they also have laws by which such perpetrators can and are prosecuted?
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Aggregator gang
Nov 11, 2018
For me, it's obvious this manga follows the double standard aspect, when a man is victim of sexual abuse. It tries tomake this subject more known, and does a good job. no romance here, not the point imo.
FMC does not understand whats happening, she just want to be a cliché girl (like her friends), who has a relationship with her cliché, "cool, kind, prince" (her own words).
She does not understands MC's trouble and kind of dismisses it immediately when he tells he suffered abuse from a woman
The manga relevantly shows how difficult that subject is, how unknown or immediately moved out of the way the SA on men is.
The responses on this forum makes it clear its a pertinent issue.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
No, not particularly. If anything, the fact that the issue of creep-shotting (a form of sexual harassment) is so commonplace and widespread that manufactueres have made it so that camera shutter noises cannot be turned off is only indictive of how deep-seeded misogynistic sexual harassment is in that society and how much of a hell-hole it can be. Think about it. If it wasn't so bad why would they even need to do such a questionable thing in the first place? Japan isn't Sharia Law levels of misogyny but it can be pretty bad imo.
The obvious problem with this logic is that you are assuming "there are laws to regulate such and such, so the issue must be very bad" or, "other places have no laws like this, so it must not be a problem there".
=> So if they no longer have this law to make it mandatory for camera to make noise, does that mean it's suddenly no longer an issue?

India has no laws like that. Does that mean they are not a misogynist country?
The US has no such laws. Does that mean we know for sure it doesn't happen as much? People take pictures of other people without their consent or knowledge then post them on the internet to harass and make fun of them all the time. They are not even attempting to hide anything.

Iran and Russia have no laws against domestic violence. Does that mean they are completely free of it? Those countries with Sharia Laws have little to no protection for women. Guess they don't need any because they are safe. Otherwise, why would they need laws to protect them if they aren't in danger, right?
If I start a country and have zero laws against rape, is it gonna be free of rape?

Japanese society can still be misogynistic, no one will deny that. However, calling it a hellhole with this kind of weak reasoning and argument is utter stupid. I'm not exactly in favor of such regulation, but it is something I can commend them for. Yet, it's turned into another reason to bash them by westerners.
"Why do Japanese people hate foreigners?" Well, because foreigners hate them, and they know it.

I get it, it's hip to bash them for any reason. I just wish I don't have to encounter too many edgy people. My head hurts every time I see this sort of comment. Hellhole this and that for reasons that aren't even the worst things to mention. I swear every single comment section on YouTube of any video about Japan has some people saying something similar to this. Everybody wants some internet validation. Western liberal social justice kids are too damn spoiled these days. They haven't seen anything close to being a hellhole if they say craps like this. Western imperialists and supremacists, the whole lot of them, Japanese sell-outs, even CCP trolls are in the mix. Naturally, after Japan raised the federal consent age to 18, the anti-weebs need to choose something else to moan about.

All countries have a fair share of haters. It's just that Japan seems to be an easy punching bag. Not exactly my concern, but idiots just grind my gears. I also wonder: these people who are always screaming about misogyny every other thing they say, how misandrist can they be...? Dead god, I hate how much time I've wasted here, lol.
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