Sensitive Boy - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Kaede's Past

Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2023
More than likely, given what little he actually has that she would be looking for in a man
I mean... sensei is an actual, honest to goodness pedophile. She isn't just a rapist, lets not forget that she is a child rapist.
Personally I say life in prison with the possibility of parole ONLY after at least a decade + taking part in voluntary chemical castration. This should go for both female child rapists as well as male ditos.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
People can do a lot of stupid things when they're starving for closeness and affection.
I don't really get the feeling that she obviously manipulated him, but she was at a low place where she required comfort.

It’s hard to say whether or not she intended to lay hands on her student. On the one hand it would have been 100d chess to groom MC and then have him walk in just as you were “vulnerable” in a hidden area, on the other hand she clearly knew what she was doing was wrong as she told MC to keep it secret.

Like someone else said, she’s most likely stunted emotionally to even want to pursue a child but she was definitely cognizant of what she was doing. Not a hardened child molester but definitely should NOT be near a school.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I can't take this seriously as a story of trauma with that cover being such obvious bait.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2020
Yeah, it is now
I last checked raws when it was at Chapter 26 and they were still split up. Just skimmed through the newer chapters and there is no change.
so these first few chapters were just wholesome bait, and it's all crap after?? ahaha
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
I can't take this seriously as a story of trauma with that cover being such obvious bait.
I sort of feel that it's a genderbent story. Like boys acts like girls and girls act like boys. Still fun to read, but I don't think an actual male rape victim would've reacted in the same way as Kaede does. I think that male rape victims more close off the emotions inside themselves and don't react in the same way, and instead of tearing up they more get anxious reactions and panic attacks like that. In this story, Kaede more or less just reacts and does what a girl would've done, so it doesn't really feel realistic and plausible.
Though having an actual male rape victim story probably wouldn't have been much of a story to write about if it was written to be realisitic I guess.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I sort of feel that it's a genderbent story. Like boys acts like girls and girls act like boys. Still fun to read, but I don't think an actual male rape victim would've reacted in the same way as Kaede does. I think that male rape victims more close off the emotions inside themselves and don't react in the same way, and instead of tearing up they more get anxious reactions and panic attacks like that. In this story, Kaede more or less just reacts and does what a girl would've done, so it doesn't really feel realistic and plausible.
Though having an actual male rape victim story probably wouldn't have been much of a story to write about if it was written to be realisitic I guess.
As a person who has done professional work with child rape victims of both male and female genders, I can confidently say you are wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
I sort of feel that it's a genderbent story. Like boys acts like girls and girls act like boys. Still fun to read, but I don't think an actual male rape victim would've reacted in the same way as Kaede does. I think that male rape victims more close off the emotions inside themselves and don't react in the same way, and instead of tearing up they more get anxious reactions and panic attacks like that. In this story, Kaede more or less just reacts and does what a girl would've done, so it doesn't really feel realistic and plausible.
Though having an actual male rape victim story probably wouldn't have been much of a story to write about if it was written to be realisitic I guess.
As a person who has done professional work with child rape victims of both male and female genders, I can confidently say you are wrong.

I think there's too much focus on how "rape victims" act, rather than on why Kaede acts the way he does.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
293 must live in a country where they actually treat female child rapists the same as male child rapists.

Maybe somewhere like Narnia.

In America, if you don't dog the judge, female rapists legitimately could get off scot-free based on borderline inconceivably irrelevant plea deal charges.

It's not "simps" here-- it's society overall, and accordingly those who adjudicate these crimes. And I doubt it's just America-- there's a difficulty in properly appreciating female-on-male rape for what it is, even if the victim is a child.

That said, it remains to be seen how effectively this is going to be executed. I doubt it ISN'T going to be sold as trauma, and by the story beats itself it'll be able to communicate that this was a traumatic experience, but... I don't imagine the teacher's initiating lines would be out of place in a hentai with the same exact premise, and that's what throws me off. Without knowing what happens next, I get the feeling that there should have been more lingering before we got to the teacher raping him since it seems the majority of his hangup is about the betrayal of it all.

Minor note: I like the detail about her saying that she pretends to be an adult-- I get the sense that female child rapists of the teacher variety largely have some kind of "arrested development".
We need to protests, this is ridiculous.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I think there's too much focus on how "rape victims" act, rather than on why Kaede acts the way he does.
I get what you mean, that in any individual case, it's about the individual child.

But I kind of disagree with you because this is, fundamentally, a work of fiction. The author has complete control over how the characters act, behave, and even think. Insofar as that's true, the "easy" explanation for why Kaede acts the way he does is because the author wrote it that way.

The next question, then, is whether the author is making a realistic story, one that shows how humans actually act. That can only be answered by looking at how "rape victims" act because this isn't a real story. I'm pretty sure it's not real.

kn4ll over there was like oh, no, it's genderbent, and this isn't realistic. That's why I responded that they, kn4ll, don't know how male rape victims actually act.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
I get what you mean, that in any individual case, it's about the individual child.

But I kind of disagree with you because this is, fundamentally, a work of fiction. The author has complete control over how the characters act, behave, and even think. Insofar as that's true, the "easy" explanation for why Kaede acts the way he does is because the author wrote it that way.

The next question, then, is whether the author is making a realistic story, one that shows how humans actually act. That can only be answered by looking at how "rape victims" act because this isn't a real story. I'm pretty sure it's not real.

kn4ll over there was like oh, no, it's genderbent, and this isn't realistic. That's why I responded that they, kn4ll, don't know how male rape victims actually act.
Most male rape victims bottle it inside and don't reveal it until they're adults, if ever.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
Most male rape victims bottle it inside and don't reveal it until they're adults, if ever.
That's true. I agree with that statement. However, here, Kaede was immediately (I don't know how quickly after the rape; refer to chapter 1 where Asahi and Izumi find him) found by other people who see that something happened.

That does fundamentally change things. In my work with child rape victims, the children have already discussed it to at least some degree. They haven't bottled it up to adulthood.

That's why I'm saying your statement is wrong. If you already have the person discussing the rape with others, which we literally have here because that was in the first chapter, then what you said in your earlier post is wrong.

Also, many child rape victims in general bottle it up to adulthood, both boys and girls. Like, you're just wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
That's true. I agree with that statement. However, here, Kaede was immediately (I don't know how quickly after the rape; refer to chapter 1 where Asahi and Izumi find him) found by other people who see that something happened.

That does fundamentally change things. In my work with child rape victims, the children have already discussed it to at least some degree. They haven't bottled it up to adulthood.

That's why I'm saying your statement is wrong. If you already have the person discussing the rape with others, which we literally have here because that was in the first chapter, then what you said in your earlier post is wrong.

Also, many child rape victims in general bottle it up to adulthood, both boys and girls. Like, you're just wrong.
There's more stigma, less understanding, and victim blaming of male rape victims than of females.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
There's more stigma, less understanding, and victim blaming of male rape victims than of females.
Let's be super clear. You have now shifted the topic massively. This is the second time, actually, but the first one wasn't that bad.

I responded to your initial post that said this is a genderbent story, that Kaede is acting like a female rape victim by tearing up. I said that's wrong because it is wrong.

Now you're coming in by saying there's more stigma, less understanding, and victim blaming of male rape victims. My response is yes, so what's your point? I fully admit that you are correct now, with your most recent statement. I agree. But you're just trying to shift away from the first post which was wrong, and you haven't even backed down from it.

And if you want a spoiler, I posted a complete summary of all the chapters up to 25 over here.

In short,
yes, Kaede does suffer from stigma, lack of understanding, and victim blaming. It literally happens in like two chapters. Tsubasa massively freaks out on him, calls him dirty, and accuses him of not resisting enough because he actually wanted it.

Your earlier post was still just massively wrong, and you still haven't addressed that fact. You just shift topics more and more to avoid it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
Let's be super clear. You have now shifted the topic massively. This is the second time, actually, but the first one wasn't that bad.

I responded to your initial post that said this is a genderbent story, that Kaede is acting like a female rape victim by tearing up. I said that's wrong because it is.

Now you're coming in by saying there's more stigma, less understanding, and victim blaming of male rape victims. My response is yes, so what's your point? I fully admit that you are correct now, with your most recent statement. I agree. But you're just trying to shift away from the first post which was wrong, and you haven't even backed down from it.

And if you want a spoiler, I posted a complete summary of all the chapters up to 25 over here.

In short,
yes, Kaede does suffer from stigma, lack of understanding, and victim blaming. It literally happens in like two chapters. Tsubasa massively freaks out on him, calls him dirty, and accuses him of not resisting enough because he actually wanted it.

Your earlier post was still just massively wrong, and you still haven't addressed that fact. You just shift topics more and more to avoid it.
If you can't see the logic behind my posts, that's your inability to follow a rationale.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
If you can't see the logic behind my posts, that's your inability to follow a rationale.
If you can't see that you're wrong, it's because you're literally ignoring real-life evidence that you're wrong.

It's actually kind of hilarious how bad your justification is.

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