Green ordered the kurokos to get in contact with the Neo Rangers. Aside from the fact that they apparently suck at just communicating instead of stalking, that must mean Green has some sort of plan. Maybe he's trying to act as a Martyr to give everyone what they want. A dramatic ending to the Dragon Keepers and a chance for D to fight it out like a real invader.
But of course, we know things never go in expected ways with this series. They will twist and turn until you can't even tell how exactly it ended like that. Remember when the series was about how D was going to infiltrate the Rangers to steal the Divine Relics?
The core conflict has changed so many times I can barely remember all the allegories. Good vs Evil turned out to really be about Famous vs Scapegoat. Then it went "the Powerhouse" vs "the Sly Underdog/Insider", that was my favorite and it lasted quite some time. Until Peltrora changed it back to Rangers vs Executives, and D said "f*ck you all" turning it into Order vs Chaos. The IRA overshadowed that with their holy crusade of Discrimination vs Coexistence, although in the end it just looked like an extension of the typical Keepers vs Invaders shtick. But then we got revealed that in actually it was all a sham and the real conflict was The Mastermind (Yellow) vs The Tools (Suzukiri and by extension also Red's Clone). But that's just on the surface, D is still having the internal conflict of Invader Instincts vs True Fredom/Will. And since a couple of chapters ago, the main conflict on the table has changed AGAIN to Ratings vs Oblivion.
This needs genius levels of story writing to be able to seamlessly transition between all those, but I can't even tell what the story is really about anymore lmao.