Sex and Dungeon - Vol. 3 Ch. 10

Active member
Dec 4, 2018
@brucelee From my experience it’s what makes her excited that makes her a masochist, not what she does after she got excited. (Eg. Fucking your brains out to get her satisfaction)

Also, it’s not like there is only the 2 ends of the spectrum, sometimes Ms do things that can be considered S and vice versa. Thats why it’s a spectrum in the first place, with many points between the 2 ends. ;)


Thanks for the translation, this is one of my favourites. ;)

Just wanted to put in an actual positive comment among all the hypocritical salty ones.


Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2019
Akitsu: Dont touch Natsuno...

MC: So anyways I started fucking.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018

- difference is car crashes are spontaneous and unexpected. If you are regularly waiting to be pinged on a car crash on a bi-weekly basis, I think the problem isn't on car crashes being bad, you know?
- we're 10 chapters in lol. and the premise was obvious from ch. 1. you know the definition of insanty?
- lol

it's not violent rape and it's fantasy so I'm whatever about the consent. I'm here for sex and dungeon, and I'm getting it lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@kagehiness ehh at this point block and move on. they can bitch, but I don't gotta hear them complaain about sex and dungeon in a manga called sex and dungeon lmao. Some people just can't separate fantasy from reality and that's an argument that goes nowhere on the internet. And some people just like to troll.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2019
None of the items used in this chapter makes it impossible to refuse sex, but the MC really doesn't know what "consent" is....

That charm only guaranties taking someone to bed. Specifically says it doesn't guaranty sex too. Might just end up sleeping together (REM sleep) or maybe one stays awake from nervousness while the other sleeps or even both stays awake in bed the whole time doing nothing.

10 chapters and he still hasn't managed to get Akitsu naked. Is she the stage boss? Hopefully she wouldn't be as easy as the other three.
May 26, 2019
I love this trash manga, just as much as i love reading the comments. Triggered moralfags everywhere, so Wonderfully delightful! :D
Power Uploader
May 2, 2018

thats part of the reason i do stuff like this. moralsimps are good meme material 👻

especially the tards who write paragraphs. fucking gold mines
Mar 6, 2018
@kagehiness Eh I sorta getcha, we sorta agree on some of it so no biggies.

On another note, moralfags? Moralsimps!? Fucking lmao man, some of you guys write with a self righousness that is even funnier than the people you complain about, especially since a lot of the rape comments on the first page seem to be made in jest 🤣

Well, fairly sure pikachu is just having fun trolling, I refuse to believe someone would use the term moralsimp earnestly!
Sep 11, 2018
I dont like this, he being to naive with the crazy yandere i do hope she doesnt enter the dungeon otherwise he is fucked XDDD
PD: I will wait to see this crash down and see how he handles it lul
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@PiakuchuKiller But aren't they just trolls? Like, I could probably get the first 2 chapters... but let's be real... anyone with moral doubts about this series cause the mind control/rape would have left by now...
Power Uploader
May 2, 2018

you're giving away my secret. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

but i like how some of these moresimps prob take longer to type their encyclopedias vs read the chapter. and they prob reread it again to see how alpha chad saino is. 🤓
Mar 6, 2018
To be fair, they probably put more effort into those paragraphs than the author did writing this! Wait, thats also pretty sad...
Mar 30, 2019
Holy fucking kek

“Don’t touch her!”
“OK. Just a blowjob and a fuck”

“I love you! I love you! Let’s be lovers!”
“Eeehh... I think you’d be a better friend with benefits hoe”

What a fucking GIGAChad
May 4, 2020
Rape is good and all but I'm more into torture, gore, humiliation and cannibalism. Women getting tortured is what arouses me. Sex is auxiliary. Wish the MC abducts the lesbian/ bi and tortures her by pulling out her fingernails and teeth with pliers. Amputation, and female castration of the lesbian would serve as the icing on the cake.
Dec 18, 2019
The main character is so dumb, like, why does he even want Natsuno so badly?? I don't remember one reason that would make sense for the main character to be going after her. He's just risking it for absolutely no reason. She's not special. He just used the umbrella's ability to manipulate her into falling in love with Saino (MC)... He could do this with any other women, but nooo he's just soo stupid and risking it all for this insignificant girl. Like why? I NEED A REASON

He could literally go for another woman just as cute, and use the umbrella's ability, **and not risk being caught**. BUT NAH, LETS GO FOR THIS GIRL WHEN THIS OTHER GIRL IS WATCHING ME, WHICH COULD CAUSE ME TO GET EXPOSED

(if there is a reason, pls tell me)
May 4, 2020
@Ipex Don't know about the author, but having Natsuno at his disposal could allow him to gain an upper hand on Akitsu. For instance - the mc could blackmail Akitsu; he could make Natsuno betray her; he could gain data on Akitsu using Natsuno; he could let Natsuno make Akitsu play into her hands and end up in a trap laid out by the MC. The author hasn't played this out well though. If it were me, I would've first explored and learned more about the dungeon before I targeted anyone. While I do have my tastes, I partly dislike sex. I get aroused by psychologically, physically and sexually torturing people. As such, I would've first targeted the teacher and used her guilt. I would've used her for a while, levelling myself up. She, as a teacher, comes with multiple perks. One could use her connections, and her money. The next, and the most obvious target would be Akitsu. She isn't much of a threat. The author is clearly exaggerating it. One could hire some mercenaries (using the teacher's money) for abducting her. The mercenaries would bring her half-broken or intact to me. Once within my grasp, I'd strip her naked, and stretch out her body using metallic rings and bind her body in a frame. I would bring some tools for torture along with smelling salts to keep her awake should she faint. I would torture her physically, mentally and sexually just before she breaks. That'd make her spit out any information that she has. If we go this way, Natsuno and the black haired girl have essentially no use. In fact, I'd rather control strong males in order to get myself levelled up ( even if that meant sleeping with them, of course me as the dom). I would keep on gaining resources and expanding my empire. Sooner or later, the challenges, the risk, the scale, and the rewards would increase. At such a point, it would me more of a strategic brain game than physical labor. The author has clearly deviated from the concept of a dungeon. The dungeon is essentially having no impact on the story except for providing the tools the MC needs to get laid.
May 4, 2020
As for the delusional black haired girl, I find her completely worthless. She is of no use whatsoever. Of course, as a pawn she could be of some use; but that goes for anyone. She isn't special in any way. He should target people in order to get expendable resourceful pawns and not just for having sex. He should be broad minded and not just limit himself to females. Statistically, males are superior to females in aspects of intellect, strength and resources (power, information, money). As such, having a good ratio of both sexes could serve well. Apart from that, we could have other genders like gays, lesbians, bisexuals, asexuals as well since that would let us gain information from most of the sectors of the society; since the society is very sex-biased. We could maintain a good proportion of people from all races and ethnicities. We could organize and structure our forces in a hierarchical manner or a peer to peer manner or a semi-hierarchical manner, with multiple levels of hierarchy and peer to peer teams at each level. We would then need other resources such as computational power, information network, security, resource management, military power, etc. We would need to further construct separate departments which would specialize in specific tasks. We would also need to check loyalty of members regularly. One way of doing so would be, rewarding and promoting the ones who report a malicious activity; making the supervisors check their direct supervisees recursively. Maintaining some special hidden people at each hierarchy who report directly to you (the controller), and whose loyalty is checked directly by you. Having a special loyalty check department as well. There are so many things that would make this interesting, but I doubt the author is concerned with those aspects.

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