Sex & Dungeon!!

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 2, 2018
@crudelidiaboli i really hope you are trolling, dog.

all that you answered is cringeworthy, really. "while I do not want to boast my intelligence, my IQ (147)" first thing first u don't know anything about me and yet you are doing a lot of assumptions made of 1 little sentence i made on a shitty manga
second thing, how is iq in any way related to sanity ? there is a lot of criminals that had a high iq.
third things, who the fuck are u trying to impress with that ? u fucking big brain ? you are coming to defend a trash manga and you are telling me you are an intelectual ? ffs try to find some healthier hobbies u "intelectual" wtf are u trying to bring some big subject on a fucking weeb website go do something better with ur life fucking retard

just read the comment of "crudelidiaboli" if u think there is not some completey fucked up people who read this manga of course there is a lot of normal people that just read it to fap i guess and don't care about the plot at all but still the plot is shitty and anyone contradicting this are just either retard or completely denial kids

stfu and read ur shitty ass manga if u want but i personally want something with a bit of narrative quality and not just random assault made by a edgy kids in existencial crisis. fucking hell, talking about neurons on a comment section of manga called "sex and dungeon" have a bit of credibility u retard, u are not criticizing a victor hugo novel.

now if ur cringy incel ass could stop making shitty comment like that it would be nice
Active member
Mar 11, 2020
@AngryFerret that candle is still not a drug, because it would work even if you don't inhale any of it fumes. Because in its description the only requirement for it to work is to simply light in the same room as the target person. This means that it should work even if the person is wearing something like a spacesuit that completely isolates his breathing from the atmosphere. Hentai science 101.

Edit: and it says that it affects the room itself, and then room affects people inside it. So it probably is some kind of Feng Shui magic. If it worked by inhaling fumes it would work even when you are outside of the room - you just need to tell the person who owes you sex to try to smell the candle while its burning.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
So it probably is some kind of feng shui magic



Sep 6, 2019
Well at least the Bell had limited usage, otherwise its OPness would have ruined the story (yeah I actually follow the story).

Oh man, the overprotective and perhaps lesbian classmate is on the move again.
Double-page supporter
Oct 16, 2019
@me474 Are you trying to kinkshame this thread? That's so unacceptable you need to learn tolerance and appreciation of diversity. Nobody likes a stupid bigot
May 29, 2020
Hello Can someone Recommend some story like this into Novel? :)
I don't want some to c*ckbl*cked the MC i want MC to do it :D
and if possible a bit longer chapter. Thanks! Cheers mate! 😍
I hope someone to help me heheheh
Jun 16, 2018
Don't know why people would be bothered by it.
This is just a manga following typical scenarios you'd normally see from doujinshi, which I find it to be tame compared to some of the more horrific ones possibly imagined by mankind.

There's nothing to justify MC's actions anyway, just more of a guilty pleasure to read the manga because of the art.
Oct 22, 2018
This manga is pure trash! But thats ok, its like a porn mag with a little bit of an extra story. Dont expect anything, and you cant be dissapointed!

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