Shadow Queen - Ch. 35

May 4, 2019
Owie, this is painful to see. It makes me feel disgusted about the female lead character. :(
I don't understand why the author decided to have her just leave and not even pay him.
Jan 30, 2019
To not pay him at all? I understand she wanted to make a point but. NO MONIES FOR THE LABOUR. that’s just ghetto.
Apr 28, 2020
i mean to be fair, at least she didn't end up taking the painting. But I do see everyones point of not paying him at all
Double-page supporter
Jan 7, 2019
Open commission on deviantart be like:

Edit: LMAO... I looked at the raw version, even the Korean readers didn't like this chapter.
Double-page supporter
Dec 10, 2020
I'm not sure what she was expecting, since she knew he wouldn't be revealed as a genius for 3 more years. It would be weird for his style right now to be the same as his style later. And with something as fickle as art and inspiration, she might have either sped up his revolution, or completely derailed it. Trying to force someone to get a breakthrough ahead of schedule might just send them in the opposite direction. It could be that he needs to go through some personal event, have some kind of revelation before he becomes the person he would be three years later.

As for not paying, she asked upfront how much it would cost and he said she could set the price afterwards. He didn't seem to have any other customers (it is already fairly late in the day and she was his first), so there was no opportunity cost, she didn't like the picture for valid reasons (lack of quality which even the artist didn't dispute), and she didn't take it with her. So why should she pay? Most street artitsts generally have samples of their work for exactly that reason, so the prospective customer has some idea of what they're getting. If he'd had samples of his exaggerated style for display, she could have saved herself two hours.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
She clearly doesn't have any idea of what is Butterfly Effect. Even more when dealing with inspiration and art, anything, even the mood could make his style change, and send this revolution to hell, human decisions aren't mathematics, you can't expect them to repeat the same behavior no matter what you do. And she will only be able to predict the future until a certain point, after that, everything will change, to bet on something that will happen in 3 years, it's stupid, to say the least.
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
??? So she wants someone who's working in a job that is designed to pander to the customer's ego and make things flashy for nobles to just KNOW that she wanted a specific style of painting? What kind of karen bs...Sure she's not obligated to pay since he already set himself up as "pay as you like" model, but the fact she went in there all high and mighty when she wasn't even originally that interested in painting is pretty rich. Seriously, how does she think artists build themselves up? Her one crushing statement could entirely change the course of this man's career so that he ends up not creating his masterwork in 3 years. She's just playing herself at this point, because now his previous timeline will be incredibly unreliable. He could create a notable work in less than 3 years, more than 3 years, or his new masterwork may not even be the same painting anymore.

I guess if he's not a good painter he's a relatively useless pawn that she can just give up on, but what a douche move. I know the story will prob make him create some incredible painting anyway, but at this point of the story she could have ruined the course of his entire career and she doesn't even think about it twice. I guess this is to show how brutal she'll be for her goal, but it just feels bad bc this man had never done anything wrong to her, but for whatever reason she just tipped his world upside down and doesn't think twice about it, even though she has suffered so much when someone else did it to her...
Jan 19, 2019
Bruh........... If she did this to an artist fr fr she’d get smacked holy friq
Mar 9, 2019
I can tell there are a lot artists or art appreciators in the comments LOL I’m pretty sure she’s purposely trying to trigger him into realizing he needs to be true to himself and not sacrifice his passion to please others so he will create the painting that she knows about in the future. I could also be giving her way more credit than she deserves! She also should’ve payed him.
Amazing chapter thank you very much!
Dec 24, 2020
That's what I was thinking as well! Seeing as she knew he would become such an influence later on, she's probably trying to trigger his ability as soon as possible cause as she said, she wants him on her side once the Renaissance begins.
Active member
Jun 8, 2019
hello? pay the man??? you literally took 2 hours of his time? you have so much fucking money and for what????? pissed me off! lmao did you expect him to draw a fucking masterpiece in 2 hours? he needs to eat too dear...
May 2, 2020
Oke but why the hell hasnt she paiiiid him. That man just spent two whole hours painting you. This chapter triggers me so bad. Also style changes so much ove time so wanting him to draw now how he would draw in three years time is just bullshit.

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