Shadow Queen - Ch. 35

Mar 11, 2019
@icekatze I don't think he'll be starving anytime soon because she knew what his true art style was in the original timeline, and it inspired a cultural revolution. His true art would probably sell like hot cakes, and he would obtain that success much sooner due to the fmc's provocations.
Feb 18, 2019
Let's put a modern spin on the event. If I go to a professional photographer who specializes in portraits, I demand that he does a job that makes my person stand out, showing his skill (otherwise I would take a selfie and that's it).
But if after two hours of work all I can come up with are banal photos full of Instagram-style filters, I obviously don't pay him, I send him to hell and I also put a negative review.

So, that's what happened to the protagonist; she was expecting a portrait from an artist she knew to be great and she ended up with an IG selfie.

1. it was the artist himself who told her "you decide how much to pay me after you see the work". And since the MC didn't like the work and didn't take it away, she has every right not to pay for it.
2. just as the artist lost two hours of his life drawing, the MC lost two hours of her life modeling him still. And who's going to give her back those two lost hours for something she doesn't like?

p. s. The world of professionalism – especially the arts – is horrible, but that’s how it works. If the clients doesn’t like your job, no one buys it. Don’t you have any food? It’s your business, you could have worked better.
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
Honestly, she has a point... but unless a ‘normal’ personal was SERIOUSLY at a wall, saying such a thing would be THE RUDEST comment ever. In this specific case where FL knows he’s struggling with ‘finding himself and his style’, I think it’s okay, but if this were anyone else, holy fuck there would be a riot with earring tearing and hair pulling and eye jabbing like no tomorrow.
Sep 21, 2020
@Lucrecia That’s exactly why I charge part of the agreed price first before any art I do or full price at the half-way mark. The thing here is, people can look at what you can do, and ask you for “commissions” based on that, she is asking him based on someone that’s not him.

She is putting him under unbelievable standards. She is expecting him to paint like the Raphael from the future, she said so herself, his famous piece is coming only after three years. Unless he already paints like a pro and is choosing to not paint like a pro, in which case doesn’t make any sense. At least I can’t see a reason why he wouldn’t do his best to get the best pay possible.

She literally time traveled here. Me from 10 years ago cannot draw like the me now, asking me to delivery something I can only do 10 years from now is just ridiculous.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 28, 2019
bro pay him tf what a fucking bitch fuck the mc i feel so fucking triggered as an artist fuck rich people it took him 2 hours to fucking make that and u just walk out u selfish piece of shit it's not like u dont have money aside from the materials do u not think that his time was spent and wasted as well???? fuck this kid pay your artists

everyone read @Bullonier 's comment. spitting facts, sis. artists remember to charge before completion at least when u finish a sketch. fake veronica's a fucking dumbass who doesn't understand what it's like to be an artist as a living. stupid bitch came into her money for the past few years of her life and forgot what it was like to live on a day to day basis. doesnt understand that traditional art costs hella money bc bitch how do u think that man's gonna improve and come into his own style if he dont even got any money for his own paints and canvases (or even fucking paper) for practice????? dumb fucking bitch.
May 9, 2020
This painter is about to break thru due to her comments just y'all wait. Stop being so triggered lol

Thank you for the update
Sep 6, 2019
I think something that the MC might forget is the picture Raphael makes that is a "breakthrough to the art community" is made 3 years into the future; an artist makes various improvements and style changes throughout that time, so it seems a little too extreme that she would get this upset over the fact that his art is much different compared to the future.
Active member
Aug 19, 2019
Ah yes, sometimes people have to be broken to pieces or pushed down the edge for them to show their best selves
Oct 25, 2018
Remember folks, always get paid FIRST for commissions. At least take a deposit!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Perhaps, although she knew his art style from 3 years in the future. It'd be rough if he ended up never making that breakthrough and developing his famous style in the first place. I suppose she could just invent it herself then. 🤣
Oct 6, 2020
You guys need to stop being so sensitive and grow up, her plan in the long term is vengeance, hurting other peoples feelings along the way, is not really what she cares about. Besides, this will make or break this guy, if he breaks then he is useless to her, if he doesn't then she will use him.
Feb 18, 2019
I think the problem here is the concept of artistic growth. Okay, three years is enough to improve but it’s not really that long to go from “serial user of Instagram filters” to “real artist”... the hand that draws is always the same, it can refine, it can improve, but it doesn’t change. Even if the style is crude and not perfect, the work of an artist is immediately noticeable, since it is his “trademark”, and so even in a sketch made quickly in the middle of the road it should escape (as for a musician or a songwriter, even if he wrote two completely different pieces one from the other you still recognize it from the first notes because you know that the his music still has that special melody that makes it unmistakable).

The MC did not want a “Madonna del cardellino” (given the name and the artistic importance, it is almost obligatory to link it to Raffaello Sanzio) but certainly did not expect to find herself in front of a dull and ordinary street artist who makes pretty but empty portraits without a hint of personality.
Hence her anger and her total disappointment.
Oct 8, 2019
Soooo...she either fucked him up entirely or kicked his artistic growth into overdrive.
Dec 9, 2020
I can't with the people calling her a b*tch, rude, etc 💀 someone already explained the situation and yet there is still comments like that pft
Sep 21, 2020
@Lucrecia Fair point, she wasn’t expecting something generic and it would be hard to change styles given he doesn’t have acces to the internet for quick learning, he might be already near the style she was thinking of, but still, my issue here is that he is not the guy she knew. He is in the future and he still need to get there.

Like any career, it’s the same as asking an architect that just got into university to deliver a house with the same quality as an architect that already got his degree and is already acting in the market.

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