Shadows House (Official Colored) - Ch. 187 - Suspicion

Oct 11, 2019
It's pretty cool that Douglas might bypass his brainwashing instead of breaking it by believing that Edward is lying to him.
I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that Edward’s plan wouldn’t work how he thinks, mostly because I think Anthony producing a soot drug is directly connected to Barbara actually having a power.
how DID the manor meet the "essential soot output"?
I'm pretty sure it was explicitly stated at one point that adults contributed to soot production before Barbara.
Jan 21, 2018
The adults were unaware of Margaret's rampage? Or even just Edward not knowing, that's very surprising. Unless the Margaret incident occurred while Edward was away from the manor. Then it makes sense.

Sara proposed to Edward. I don't remember clearly, but didn't Douglas previously want to propose to her or wanted Sara to propose to him?

Lol, Edward is channeling his inner Incubator with that plan for Sara as the next energy source. Even Douglas could tell how his plans for her were just outright, bare-faced evil. That kept him from ratting Kate out, and he realized Edward is no different from the others who disposed of the guy he idolized, and that's causing him a lot of mental conflict. Keeping Douglas in line would've been so much easier if Edward just didn't talk so much.
Aug 21, 2023
When the one who is using people to her (Sara) advantage is actually the one being used of (Edward) these people or rather shadows are damn twisted to the core.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
Ough, that cover portrait of Douglas... one foot in one door, one foot in the other.

So it's Sara who's the replacement for Barbara's soot output huh... she does have a natural buildup of bad energy. And removing barbara removes some of the past managers influence, which benefits him. That line about subtly filling her with negative emotions.... Literally a single child suffers so the adults can live in splendor.

That moment of realizing the systemic nature of what happened to his friend, what's happening to Kate (who might sincerely be rebelling- but Edward was literally willing from the start to just make shit up to make an enemy, so he could defeat an enemy, so he could gain status. Literally exactly like King then)- I love that shit.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
The adults were unaware of Margaret's rampage? Or even just Edward not knowing, that's very surprising. Unless the Margaret incident occurred while Edward was away from the manor. Then it makes sense.

Sara proposed to Edward. I don't remember clearly, but didn't Douglas previously want to propose to her or wanted Sara to propose to him?

Lol, Edward is channeling his inner Incubator with that plan for Sara as the next energy source. Even Douglas could tell how his plans for her were just outright, bare-faced evil. That kept him from ratting Kate out, and he realized Edward is no different from the others who disposed of the guy he idolized, and that's causing him a lot of mental conflict. Keeping Douglas in line would've been so much easier if Edward just didn't talk so much.
Edward is under duress too, he feels his great potential is suppressed by the third floor's envy.

He needs to let out this inferiority complex to a lackey.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
The plot mystery is actually good at hiding character deaths - which is a lot... this is probably the first we get to a main character death, good, good.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Remember they are brainwashed kids who had no parental figure aside from the "house's rules"
Orphanage: "hold my kids"

There was one time I saw those children, having lost or not even experiencing parent's touch, actually are cold and physically snot dripping from their nose. Including the babies.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
New Shadows House fan writing here, got some theories on Sara and Mia that I want to drop at this place.

(At the time of this post Ch 194 just published in Japan, but I swear the contents of this post was drafted within the week post-193 with no further changes)

The relationship and dynamics between each Shadow-Doll pairs are getting increasingly more complex as the series unveils new revelations, and still Sara-Mia remain among the most enigmatic duo. I want to see if I can predict where Soumatou-sensei will take them on their descent into darkness.


Before I begin in earnest, some thoughts hang on my mind for this bit:

1. People are right not to think well of Sara the Shadow, between her obsessive need to climb up the ranks, spanking Mia and other negative traits and actions. And yet, we know that the starting personalities of Shadows are inherited from some part of their Living Dolls when they were human. To put it another way, the Shadows' mindset are a partial/incomplete extract of their original's.

Many readers believe that Mia started off okay and she only became this twisted because of Sara. My theory however is that the rule must be consistent: Sara is only this twisted because she inherited her traits from Mia, specifically the original pre-brainwashed "Sara" the human. They couldn't have come from nowhere, and the only reason they didn't show on Mia at the start is because her brainwashing ironically did away with the majority of her "unnecessary" negative feelings. Feelings of which will wake again as the coffee gradually wears off.

2. In Ch 183 when Mia advised Sara to continue seeking Edward's acknowledgment and ignore Kate's consolation, she gave me the impressions of an overbearing mother.

3. Throughout this story, Soumatou-sensei has shown he likes to plan ahead, draw parallels and encourages readers to make comparisons between characters and events. Given how Mia was one of the earliest characters to appear in the manga, I'm sure the same thing is going on with her. The question is, parallel with who and what about them?

4. Whilst Emilyko and her allies continue to be fond of their Shadow masters as their brainwashing wears off, as shown by the Margaret-Maggie pair, this will not always be the case for every duo. Depending on what information they have available to them, as well as whether the Shadow inherited an undesirable personality trait to unnerving degrees, the Doll will come to hate their master. I believe Sara-Mia is going down this path.

The Past of "Sara"

So here's my read of "Sara" the human, before she went to the Shadows House.

Unlike most of the Dolls who came from commoner background, "Sara" was born into aristocracy. Hence her duties was to better herself, either to be a future leader of her house or become suitable for a political marriage.

Problem is, she couldn't meet the standards placed on her. Likely got spanked as punishment on a regular basis, possibly by her mother? May or may not have siblings who perform better than her, and thus compared to her.

Ultimately, she was sent off to the Shadows House so that she can be a "proper" aristocrat... but it's really a form of exile from her own home. So with this bitterness, "Sara" hoped that she can rise above the ranks in the House and prove her family wrong. Perhaps then they will take her back and earn their love.

Again, I really do think that the brainwashing proved more beneficial to her than everyone else. As a Living Doll, Mia was able to forget the sorrows of her past, make friends without a care, and had people who stuck by her even if she wasn't perfect in everything. Had her master Sara inherited something besides her drive to be superior and climb the ranks, she could've been so much happier...

I fancy this idea because it explains the deal with all the spanking, and why Sara is constantly seeking acknowledgement and even marriage from "worthy" people. It works as a contrast to Emilyko's tale: Emilyko is an orphan who is finding kindness and affection even without a family, but Mia had family yet never received such from them.

An Awakening View

Going with this theory, collapsing the Shadows House is not salvation in the eyes of an awakened Mia. If her own family rejects her, where else can she go in the world of humans? Finding favour in the House is thus her last option.

While I'm of two minds to what degree Mia in Ch 128 was under the effects from her last coffee intake (Ch 89), I reckon at Ch 183 it's at least wearing off. As the brainwashing wears off, absent the facts, she can see that Sara is but an inferior version of herself: all bravado but without the strength to back it up. This monster is supposed to be a copy of her, and this is all she amounts to?

Hence point (2) above: I'm getting the sense Mia is now like a parent whose dreams were unfulfilled, and so she'll force her "child" to fulfill them in their place like a new game plus. It's impossible for Mia as a Doll to rise above the ranks on her own like she originally hoped, so she must use Sara to gain greater standing. Make her fulfill her role properly in her place.

Mia probably recognises Edward's manipulation of Sara, and has no problems throwing her to the wolves. So long as things become more favourable, it is fine.

What's pitiful is that for all her scheming nature, Sara lives in a dearth of information: no clue about the true natures of Shadows and Dolls, no idea about the brainwashing coffee and no inkling of who is playing her for a fool, even her own Doll.

Future Thoughts

Edward convinced his superiors that Sara works as a replacement for Barbara, but I seriously doubt it. See, Barbara retained some measure of stability in large part because she had Barbie and her fellow Star Bearers caring about her. Now, can you even imagine the current Mia caring for Sara to such an extent?

In his plans to destabilise Sara and fill her with negative emotions, he likely thought that Mia will steady her the way that Barbie looked after Barbara. I think the opposite will happen: Mia will rub salt on Sara's wounds so that she'll produce more soot, and thus better results.

When that happens regularly, it won't matter if Sara supposedly has a better constitution than Barbara - Sara will break faster. Laughing for a moment, can you imagine if Edward was held responsible for losing Barbara, and her replacement was horrendously inadequate?


Kate and Emilyko will of course try to save Sara from dying of Soot overproduction, regardless of whatever evils she throws at them from now until then.

After that, I can see Mia showing her true disdain for Sara, leading an open argument between master and servant to ensue. Again, works as contrast to Kate and Emilyko: one pair are opposites but are open with each other and can harmonise, while another are supposed to be the same person yet have closed their hearts and don't actually get along.


And that's it, let me know what you think

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