Shadows House (Official Colored) - Ch. 203 - Deception

Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2023
I mean, seriously? "Here's Thomas. He's compliant now." I don't trust that kind of shit for a goddammn second in this series.

Also, gotta love Candy. Candy is always a treat.
On one hand, I don't think Thomas would humiliate himself like this in front of the children… this kind of deception seems beneath him from what we’ve seen of his character so far. But could it be possible that he’s genuinely (temporarily of course) lost his memory and is now just a walking Chekov’s gun, waiting to fire at the best/worst possible moment when he inevitably regains his memory?

I definitely agree, very suspicious of Thomas regardless, and it’s strange that Kate’s letting her guard down like this, especially after what JUST happened with Anthony. Although this does make me wonder if it’s actually possible to actually “erase” the shadow from a unified host (effectively undoing unification?) by chopping off limbs, if the series is running on Land of the Lustrous logic where
memories are stored throughout the body, and the more of yourself you lose, the more you forget about your past/self.

Also love to see Candy again, glad that the author didn’t waste any time unbrainwashing her. She’s honestly one of my favorite characters now with her no-nonsense attitude.

Finally, very unexpected development with Jeremy. I suppose it makes sense that he’d at least somewhat involved, with that’s been established in previous chapters. His athletic ninja feats could be explained if he were a Mirrors House spy, but I wonder why he referred to Kate as the successor and not Anthony… does this mean he wasn’t brainwashed by the special coffee? And how does he even know about Kate’s true identity/parentage lol

Thanks for the translation!
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Group Leader
Feb 7, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Tsk'. Kate should start locking her doors, windows, and trash cans better!
I don't know how much they had to beat Thomas over the head to end up like this (maybe that was his original personality?), but i think he's better this way.

So, is "Jeremy" one of the super-trained "spies" sent by the Mirror family (ch. 200)? It's not clear if he's collaborating with Christopher in particular (the spies' goal was to "reinstate the Mirror Family's heir back to his position", and Kate is the eldest, so him calling her "successor" doesn't that mean he's already chosen a side?), but that raises another questions, are there others spies in the children's building? How he found out Kate is a Mirror (she only revealed her name one time to Emilico. Christopher only heard it through trash stalking and Oliver just knows she's human). Kate in this scene looks like a final boss from some RPG Maker~

Thks for the tl~
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2020
This manga is just doing plot twist after plot twist!! Oh my brain!!
Thomas is much more likeable now. Him and Stella look almost like father and daughter lmaoo
Once again, thanks for the translation!! Seeing this made me so excited!!
Adding onto these "plot twists" I feel like it's all building more and more. Although this thing with Jeremy seems a lil sudden, like...we are just getting TONS of information put into our faces and we are just supposed to take that in lmao??? Kinda miss how everything was in the earlier volumes, I prefer if everything unfolds more...seamlessly?? Or whatever
Can't wait for more!!! This is still my favorite manga nonetheless :thumbsup:
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2019
Thanks for the translation! Dopey Thomas was unexpected but I enjoyed how his art style changed. 😆
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
Based on Ch 199, several spies actually since the House began the Selection 10 or so years ago, but all spies before Anthony entered had been deemed "lost". It's thanks to one of them that Anthony and the rest of the resistance got intel about the brainwashing coffee.

Finally, very unexpected development with Jeremy. I suppose it makes sense that he’d at least somewhat involved, with that’s been established in previous chapters. His athletic ninja feats could be explained if he were a Mirrors House spy, but I wonder why he referred to Kate as the successor and not Anthony… does this mean he wasn’t brainwashed by the special coffee? And how does he even know about Kate’s true identity/parentage lol
This manga is just doing plot twist after plot twist!! Oh my brain!!
Thomas is much more likeable now. Him and Stella look almost like father and daughter lmaoo
Once again, thanks for the translation!! Seeing this made me so excited!!
Adding onto these "plot twists" I feel like it's all building more and more. Although this thing with Jeremy seems a lil sudden, like...we are just getting TONS of information put into our faces and we are just supposed to take that in lmao??? Kinda miss how everything was in the earlier volumes, I prefer if everything unfolds more...seamlessly?? Or whatever
Can't wait for more!!! This is still my favorite manga nonetheless :thumbsup:
Quoting some of my thoughts from 8 days ago:

Starting by working backwards a little, we know from the Ghost Incident investigation that Jeremy debuted some classes after Maryrose and Barbara, and in turn Anthony and Edward. Thus if he's not one of the "lost" previous spies from before Anthony's Selection, then he can only be someone new after.
To get a little subjective, with the passing of Lord Alfred and the young lord "Christopher" infiltrating the House himself to handle everything, I can't imagine many more in the morale-depressed Mirror Family would be willing to continue sending their kids in as spies. Not many, save perhaps those whom are either very desperate for victory against the evil shadows or have misgivings about "Christopher" as a result of Alfred's passing. And it's because of the latter that "Jeremiah" was sent in anyway, and relatively soon after "Christopher's" Selection.
...that's the possible basis I came up with about why if Jeremy is from the Mirror Family, he's not backing Anthony their young lord but instead Kate the unknown quantity (to the Family as a whole), whom he overheard (and deduced?) from her feud with Oliver.
As for a more structure reason, Jeremy has been around to witness both Christopher/Anthony's reforms and how Kate and allies dealt with the Ghost Incident, the Hunt on the Powerless and the Soot Ivy Incident. Around to witness the futures that both Star Bearers presented.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
This feels like 10 chapters worth of stuff crammed into a single chapter wtf
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
I don't fully trust Thomas. Not that I think he's lying, but that if he does get his memories back, reporting them might be a way to get back in good standing. They accepted him too fast.

The pacing of this chapter is pretty hectic compared to most, but I guess it makes sense. Those who intend to make a move need to move fast to find allies, and they'll probably all know about Kate.

I think @gamria is on the right track with Jeremy. It's likely he was sent in to try to provide support. Him calling Kate the heir to Mirrors House rather than Anthony/Christopher suggests his loyalty isn't towards him, at least.

Though if he is a Mirror spy, I wonder why Anthony never tried to use him since Jeremy and Jeremiah should have been there at the same time... After all, he should recognize Jeremy, and having someone he knew had the same goal would be ideal. Maybe he considered an ally who remembered his behavior before as too risky? Or they had some personal history?

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