The plot continues to thicken and I like it very much. Exciting.
Of all manga I did not expect Shadows House to feature a "lolibaba"-type character in it. Granted, "Candy" is only 30 and technically not a true baba (granny) but given that she does not seem to age, she'll get there, eventually... if she doesn't get herself killed at some point. Man, now I really want to see Candy & friends join Kate's group. She's just that interesting.
The 3rd floor shadows have themselves to blame for these "intruders" entering the mansion since it was them who selected these two girls out of the many others being presented. But they don't seem to be very concerned. I had thought it would alarm them and start some measures to be taken immediately, but no. They were more concerned about Candy's real age over the fact that there are intruders infiltrating the kids. (Great Grandfather and Joseph aside, don't tell me the other three are just simple idiots...)
Edward is not wrong about Kate wanting to start a rebellion, but boy is he wrong about her being somehow influenced by Emilyko. It's funny how it seems like Joseph has a distaste for the ambitious Edward's arrogant and overconfident way of presenting himself. He couldn't have been more obvious about trying to ingratiate himself with his superiors. Joseph's seeming lack of interest in the "bomb" that Edward thinks he dropped could indicate they know something else he doesn't and they don't really feel threatened about the possibility of a "rebellion" by the children.