Shadows House - Vol. 8 Ch. 88 - Evaluation

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 21, 2019
Sara was always the most likely traitor. Edward has pretty good intuition.

.... then again, that should be obvious, given he has been suspecting Kate from the begining for basically no reason.
Mar 23, 2020
As someone said, the only thing Kate didn't consider during the debuts is that Edward would be extremely paranoid.

I saw a spoiler from the next chapter, Sara and Douglas are going to switch sides irreversibly. Let's hope Kate guessed it in time.
If there will be the public betrayal, the one hitted the hardest would be Belle, and that will be really sad.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2020
I hate Edward, but he's actually very good at what he does. He suspected the right person and pick out the right one to betray. He's pretty competent as a loyal shadow.
Jun 21, 2020
Hey all, as always, thank you for reading! We will be catching up very soon. Since we could only obtain the colored raws 1 week after the BW raws, the (tentative) release plan would be to every week:

- Release the latest BW chapter with translations in an Imgur album, and
- Release the typesetted colored chapter from the week before.

That's just the tentative plan though so things might change. For any updates as well as discussions, consider joining the Shadows House server!
Active member
Jan 19, 2020
@Broken25 Like others have said, Edward has a paranoid streak to him, which is why he began suspecting Kate almost immediately. What's more, Edward had a bone to pick with Kate for messing up his debut; a feeling which only intensified after he tried to fail her and she passed anyways. Because of that resentment, Edward would have treated Kate as a dissident even if she wasn't one.
Jan 28, 2018
thanks for the updates!! Can't wait to see where this goes. Hopefully Kate and Emilyko will be able to get out of this inspection unscathed...
Dex-chan lover
May 6, 2018
Thanks for the release.
It seems like Douglas is the mini boss of this arc.

Douglas actions (Rejecting Sara's marriage proposal and making fun of Team Sara Kate) is building him up as the scapegoat for us to hate.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
Man Douglas sucks! I'm excited but also kind of scared. Will Kate be able to win over Sara?
Does Thomas and Christopher have some sort of connection? Are all adults bad?
(I still doubt that shadow committed suicide)
I mean, to me Louis is the most suspicious. She's a very vain and self centered girl. I don't think she completely "gets" friendship.
And Shadows and dolls are to have opposite personalities to each other right?

Thanks for the big update!😁
Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2019
.... then again, that should be obvious, given he has been suspecting Kate from the begining for basically no reason.

There is a reason why Edward is so paranoid about Kate. She concealed her power, and the report from Star bearers looks normal.. indicating She didn't throw all her soot garbage to make it her looked like she had a big quantity.

If Kate had displayed her power at the Debut back then even escaped on her own from the bird cage, Edward would come out with a follow-up plan (most likely changing the sacrifice on Patrick + Shirley). And his entry to the 3rd floor would have gone smoothly, thus he wouldn't pay attention about Kate and her mismatched document.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2018
Agitating the children in order to appraise their soot output, looks like.
Sep 18, 2020
@ Syanindita Why was Kate intentionally hiding her soot again? Or was it just a coincidence since Kate had a habit of making snowmen?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
Kate was ordered by Star bearers to keep secret about soot power after debut exam finishing. They said something about keeping it a secret to non-soot power shadow for some reasons.

About Edward's suspicious:
At one point, Didn't Edward hear something about overthrowing shadow house from Kate's room back then?

I remember Kate spoke something about sending letters to gain allies with Emilyko in her room. The panel makes it looks like Edward have overheard the conversation and tried to keep an eye on Kate.

Even though, he heard it. But, there is no solid evident to say out loud, he doesn't want Kate to know he was suspicious on her, or it was forbidden to sneak around in children's rooms.

That is why he keep the real information how he gained it in the first place and tried to indirectly say Kate might be the traitors.

About this chapter:
Sara and Douglas probably were selected for observing children house. Because Edward have suspicious on Barbara and using Star bearers to observe themself is not wise, Since they were allies after all. They might favor Barbara than an adult.

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