She Likes Homos, Not Me - Vol. 3 Ch. 10

Fed-Kun's army
Dec 29, 2018
ah fuck little miura-chan fell for a deceptive cover of a doujinshi/parody of a regular manga

bottom panel of page 8 - miura looks like hunchback of notterdam

she even looks like she was plump in middle school, and slimmed down a bit in high school

Page 13 - why not have him join us? bring him over to the dark

finished reading the chapter

I doubt it will work out that well irl - teachers (adult do not like kids disrupting their precious little authority)/students (people talk over each other all the time) would have interrupted her long before

people don't change that fast from a heartfelt speech esp. when being called out on their bad behaviour

most people get aggressive (fake anger) instead to accepting their wrong actions/behavior.

In fact, some of response on this thread (all over the place) misinterpretations, poor critical/analytical thinking, would be closer to what would have happened in that hall in real life

progress isn't a straight line, it's a lot of steps backwards for every other little bit forward, over and over again

but it's fiction so it is allowed to make leaps from reality, it's art presenting reality in digestible manner

in order to make a wish for a different reality.

The manga made me realize/remember stuff I have said in the past (esp. in high school) that would caused pain to a homo if there was one around. If I had read this before in high school, I would prob. be more sensitive - not watching each step careful not step on anyone's toes but tone it down a bit
May 29, 2020

Yeah, totally agree. This series makes me straight up uncomfortable. There were weird things I could forgive like his friend casually groping him because I thought “hey maybe give this some leeway because it’s probably the author’s first time writing stuff like this,” but then more and more things started stacking up.

Principally, the old man and the MC. It just reads like the mangaka’s age-gap fetish and doesn’t address the problematic implication of legitimizing the false perception that gay people prey on young children. The MC is a minor, and in no way, is this okay. Don’t cite Japanese law at me if you’re not Japanese or don’t realize that this would still be frowned upon in Japan regardless of homosexuality. Age-gap and power imbalances are creepy as hell when it comes to one of the partners being a minor. 30 year old and 50 year old is fine because they’re both adults at that time, but a 16 to 17 year old with an almost 50 year old father who is very clearly more powerful in this relationship? Gross. How would someone feel if a middle aged man came to poach their child? Pretty disgusting, right. Or if some 50 year old came to hook up with your 16 year old sister/brother/sibling?

Then I pretty much gave up when the translator themself came down to lecture us in their chapter notes that Onoie or whatever his name is’s comments weren’t homophobic when they clearly are. Like why am I being preached to by someone who I don’t know is gay or not so I don’t know if they actually understand the implications of what they’re saying? And if they are, why do they think those comments are okay?


Yeah, okay, you try to refuse to do something when someone asks you to in front of an entire audience and your “friend” is egging you on to do so in front of everybody, and meanwhile there’s an entire crowd behind you cheering you on to do whatever that person is asking you to do.
Mar 7, 2019
From the end word (Jun's POV):
"Hurry Up!"
"She's waiting for you!"
"Take responsibility!"
The audience comes together, pushing me forward.

"Hey. Kiss me."
She cut me off, stretching her right hand out to the crowd as if to show me something. There were many nameless faces looking onto us expectantly.

I pressed my lips onto hers. Cheers and applause erupted all throughout the gym, telling me I had made the right choice.

Yeah nooooo pressure at all /s.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2018
Like before, I still think this girl doesn't understand the concepts (lemme use this word) of being gay at all. I get that she's in love and all but if I were the boy I'd be pissed. She practically rushed into a relationship, not knowing anything about the boy and well, you see what happened. And this boy, Andou, he knew everything he needed to know about her and still went out with her. I hope he would 'be a man' and become real with her later on.

I really like the author addressed some issues that I've been uncomfortable about but they didn't go to deep as I wanted. Well, It's just fiction so there are some things I didn't expect to be dived into very seriously. I mean, when you write a story, there are many things that you'd want to address but time and proper effort and concise wording would always lack where due. I hope we at least get to know more about Mr Farenheit and his own deal in the next chapters.
Group Leader
Feb 6, 2019
@StrangeStripes dont worry, the comment wasnt directed at anyone specifically ^^. I just had a feeling there would be people that wouldn't understand what was happenng this chapter. I sure didnt at first when translating, after all. But after last time I made a note in the chapter itself, I didnt get my words across well so I decided to just mention it here as a fleeting comment.

But yeah, it was pretty dramatic but it has a drama tag so I let it pass...If we put that aside in many ways this chapter looks beautiful at least. It's one step closer to Miura and Jun finally establishing what their relationship is, even with this small hiccup by both.
Fed-Kun's army
May 3, 2018
F ono :((
Peer pressure is no joke.
Will he turn out like his daddy?
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 29, 2018
I am bit disappointed with this chapter though, it just feels a bit overdramatized

I would prefer if it was just a talk between the two of them in a room instead of a speech in a hall

although I get ono's snitching on them forced their private/personal issues into public sphere

I agree with the other person on the thread about ono - he exists in the story to cause conflict (conflict leads to growth) but that doesn't make him a decent person, he can claim to be honest, straighforward and caring

but there is way to honest without being a dick about it and he has been a proper dick - eavesdropping, shitching, spreading rumours justifying it on his own sense of justice (ishigami middle school incident but worse)

if he cared about them and less about his own idea of himself, he could just set up a meeting between the two (and maybe even ryouhei) in private, force them to face each other instead of running away acted as mediator in order to guide the conversation in the right direction whenever it derailed.

This is what a side-character did in hentai manhwa (closer than neighbors) after a physical confrontation over a conflict between two sisters
I hope I didn't too spoil too much
Dec 6, 2019
Miura is so freaking disgusting...
thank you so much for translating 🙏🏻
Mar 10, 2019
I like this chapter the least out of the series because while I can understand if the MC has a romantic attraction towards a girl, just the whole set up feels weird and I can get why people will become uncomfortable.

If it was between them two and it didn’t have that guy screaming at him again it would’ve been okay... or if Jun was the one talking from his perspective.... idk. It is uncomfortable.

But there’s still a whole volume to go so I’ll wait before passing judgment.
Jul 5, 2018
Im really disappointed with this. Being bisexual I can't understand wanting to be with both sexes but he isn't that.
The thing they could have is a relationship where neither of them would be able to truly give themselves to each other. You can love someone and want to be with them but if you aren't attracted to them while you are attracted to the opposite gender won't you just be lying to yourself? Won't there always be something missing?
There is absolutely no way he didn't feel pressured up there. Why is same retelling his whole story in front of everyone when he didn't even want to go back to school?
Jan 26, 2018
LOL all the praises before that this was a realistic manga and then it does this.

Man, imagine loudly and publicly outing your friend to the whole entire school and it's drawn like it's a good thing.
Mar 24, 2018
*outs self hating gay boy to whole school*
*then peer pressures him to kiss her*

Femcel hours. Her previous class were right to be disgusted by her, I would have joined them lol 😂 also the term "sexuality is fluid" means bisexual people don't have an exact 50/50 split of attraction to men and women, not to mean forcing yourself on people can turn them bi, that would be called sexual assault and if anyone here has experienced being peer pressured into uncomfortable situations like that I'm sorry because you didn't deserve that. What miura did was sexual assault because it was an unwanted and forced kiss that he was pressured into right in front of the whole school.
Aggregator gang
May 6, 2018
This uh...
This sucked. This chapter was like something I would write if I lost interest in the current story and wanted to hurry on to something else.
Sep 20, 2018
rereading from the beginning, i absolutely interpreted mc saying "i want a wife and kids" was him desperately trying to convince himself he's not gay. I didn't think this was an actual statement... I also thought Mr. Fahrenheit's "there is love that gets you up and love that doesn't" was in reference to romantic and platonic love.
So let's say hypothetically he is biromantic and this isn't a fantasy story about a gay man getting with a straight woman. Ignoring him being forced out of the closet; she practically tells everyone a list of grievances he's done against her, describes how he deceives her, and then summed up her forgiveness as "but it's okay because i love him and he's gay and going through stuff right now," and i really can't believe that the crowd would be happy for him at all, and they would probably all hate him. It's not heartfelt or sensitive at all; if she actually understood his experience she probably would've never pulled this stunt. It really pissed me off they made him jump two hurdles; one being accepting this sexuality, and the other being despite his sexuality, he loves this woman. The first being glazed over, and the latter becoming the primary focus.
Making a gay man fall in love with a woman is... very insulting.
I was assuming this was a straight-woman-gets-with-gay-man fantasy story; but after doing a bit of research, the writer of this story is actually a gay man.
Is this his fantasy? Or is this internalized homophobia as he attempts to make himself acceptable as possible in society? Or is it how he genuinely feels? I personally could never fall in love with the opposite gender, and I haven't met anyone gay who can.
Also, how does Ono have the audacity to say that shit even thought he made him throw himself out the window?? are we gonna just ignore that?
Anyway, thank you translator! Even thought I am disliking where this story is going, I hope you keep translating.
Jun 29, 2019
uh? this is shitty, her nice talk wouldn't be accepted like that and they in a way or another forced him to come out. Come out is a big step that needs you to be confident, not because they told ya to be "a man" and solve things. wtf man this is trash. I quit

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