Eh, the term 'friendzone' kind of has some unpleasant connotations(incels, pickup artists, "nice guys", etc). I have further issues with the term, but I don't want to wake up to angry responses(or any, really), so I'll just leave it at that.
@SoloSera the more literal translation of the questionnaire part was like “Have you given a good-guy-card before?” and the options were like “A. Yes, I’ve given a good-guy-card before; B. Yes, I’ve friendzoned or family-zoned someone before.” it’s a common chinese slang but we decided to use the slang friendzoned instead to make it easier for readers to understand the gist of the questionnaire~
I recognize myself in this chapter, more than I would like. I several times friendzoned someone because I was afraid to love, and so I sank into romance manga. Even so someday i hope to find love...?