Dude i know its not exactly poison so our way of saying it kinda different we don't say it's because pantogen bacteria but simply just say it they had poison.
Anything in form of liquid that can kill we simply call it poison, ignoring all the scientific fact it's not exactly poison we still call it poison (in Indonesia poison is "racun") its kinda hard too explain the use of words in different languages.
Examples when you say food poisoning it's not exactly poison but, Infectious organisms or their toxins can contaminate food at any point of processing or production.
So what is poison may i ask?
Btw it's the komodo Saliva that can kill you slowly. komodo dragon have venomous bite but it cause blood poisoning?? So it's poison?? We can't really argue with this because they all fall in the same term in fact they didn't produce venom the one who responsible for kill prey are the bacteria in the komodo dragon mouth. So the one who kill are bacteria not the komodo?! And poison can kill you slowly.