Same thoughts. I feel like it'sI suspect that’s included as “releasing inhibitions” type thing since Yuuki’s walls around her jealousy and insecurity are so high
Plus it fits Marie’s villainess aesthetic
A manga character being braindead shouldn't surprise you at this pointShe still deserves the guillotine.
Also, I don't get why Oscar would just throw away a cash cow like that.
She doesn't know what she's taken. Sometimes ignorence is bliss. Addiction takes more than one swig, it needs continual usage.Does not dispute my point
Ding ding ding, winner winner, chicken dinnerYou know, Marie might be a trash human, but man, does she rock that prince outfit. Girl is gorgeous.
long term? Morphine with Alcohol is straight up fucking lethal if they go too hard, and they work multiplicatively with eachotherDid she just give her opium? That'll fuck her up in the long run if she gets addicted.