Shi ni Modori, Subete wo Sukuu Tame ni Saikyou he to Itaru - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

Feb 4, 2018
What a nice plan, he could kill 20 monsters then thd hundred of others will just destroy the wall and kill everyone.

200IQ MC.
Active member
Feb 27, 2019
tbf the issue isn't with the mc. it is with the way the author express themselves.
the story feels really weird because it is too ah ah ah EMOTIONS AH AHAH I WILL SAVE EVERYONE AAAAAAAAGH I PROTECT *deep sequence of thoughts*. and it is very clear that all his plans is to die doing what everyone else did for him, so he actually needs to die to "fit" his expectations, so his plans are actually perfect. a martyr dying outside the unexpected wall after killing a few, the others monster goes around, everyone else is safe... poor dude, can't even kill himself in peace since the monster aren't following his script. he really thought that all he needed to do to save everyone, so he could stay outside and play badass sacrificing hero (note that if he can only kill that much, he staying inside would lead to the same result, if the wall works, he could wait inside and be done, but no... he tried to be outside like this. martyr hero disease).
he had so much emotion and quite the experience... so it creates that expectation that he will actually do anything. what he really didn't. i though for a moment he would be op enough to take care of the all alone alone and the wall was only a temporary stay out thing, but now he "fails", his level of power clearly isn't that absolute and then he goes AH AHA EMOTIONS AAAAAH I WILL PROTECT EVERYONE AAAAAHHH.
you see, it is not that the mc couldn't make traps, instead it is that if he did then there is no tear jerking after. how you he cry to the sky to keep going if it was easy?
could he build traps? sure he could, look at the fucking wall. but he can't be too smart or cold, or else there is no AAAAAAAH *HANDS TO THE SKY* I WILL CHANGE THE FUTURE! he would rather keep everything within and the a lot more cold and calculative.
right now i don't think mc is close to the "go back in time" kind of persona and more close to a kid who discovered some schemes and fight vigorously for the people he loves. he lacks that kind of grow up and persona derived from prolonged despair. funny enough, he has been consistent after coming back, but what he seems to contradict with the premise of having a past life.
AAAAHHHHH *EMOTIONS* AAAAAAAH *throws a rock* it hits a big monster bouncing back, no damage... "oh shit". [ LOL almost like this hahahaha ]
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@sedition Making traps around the village when he didn’t even tell the villagers would be a bit dangerous, wouldn’t it. ^^
Active member
Sep 25, 2018
either dad or MC please die, then rewind again and reflect on your foolish MC.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Man I always enjoy some textless action pages, even the gargoyle/wyvern part was pretty great. Hope we get more action pages going forward
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
Both Dad and son are meathead idiots. Trying to solve a problem that big by himself, he might as well doom himself to failure from the beginning. Was that really all he could come up with with over a decade of preparation?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
Awe what a nice, and caring father, and yo @Kisato I'm hoping for him to, either jumping like he's about to dunk the ball, or pole vault using the great sword lloll
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
He clearly has survivor's guilt. He feels so guilty about being saved at the expense of others, he isn't thinking clearly.
Aggregator gang
Mar 25, 2019
but what could he have done?
now all your suggestions are fine... BUT why not just fucking start a fire(like a big ass fucking fire like california fire) nearby and force everyone to evacuate gtfo ...
just straight up avoid this whole mess....
or build an underground shelter.... much safer and things cant fly over them also it creates a choke point at the entrance
as i said earlier the fire idea is great especially when combined with the under ground shelter and wall idea have people hiding under ground while the surface burns. the people are safe flying creature inhale insane amounts of smoke and the ground ones let burnt to a crisp
Mar 6, 2019
People would call the mc insane if he told them they were going to get invaded. Can't remember what the number of monsters there are but a little bit of ditches and burning oil won't stop it either. Either way he has to pull something out og his ass.
Aggregator gang
Dec 11, 2018
@Sonic oh wow the next raw is out. just like when chapter 7 was out, there was already the next raw. _-_ tbh id rather you drop it and let somebody more competent pick it up in a few months.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
MC's plan isn't that bad, if he really thought the monsters would evade the wall + him killing a few to drive them away and the village would be left alone. He's a battle hardened soldier, so I guess he knows how monster stampedes work in his world.
But then the whole plot of the "save the village" arc rests on the fact Yet, it just dawns on him, that this is unnatural. (He also notices this, because he has that expert knowledge.) But at the same time he can't be possible that well versed in the field of stampedes, because he overlooked the glaring fact, that so many different kind of monsters showed up at his village back then. All at the same time! He might not have had a overview of the numbers, because it was too chaotic back then, but he saw the dragon and a few other type of monsters. He had everything together to add it up and notice it earlier. Much earlier in fact.

It's as many already pointed out. He had over 10 years in his second life, to figure it out. But even before that, he fought years against monsters in his old life. That soldier life, in which he supposedly learned enough about monster swarm behavior, so that he "knows" how stampedes work. Shouldn't he have already figured out in all those years, that that could not have been a natural occurrence?

Oh man. I seriously hope that old man doesn't blow a hole into the wall. And in case he does, that he can come up with a way better explanation than, "Because I wanted to get to my baby boy." If he does and he can't (or gives another stupid explanation, that doesn't include the absolute necessity to open a hole) I .... I don't know, but in the last few months updates of good fantasy (including isekais) became less and less, some even turned bad and I did actually not feel like picking some of them up again... You know, dropping a manga isn't something one can announce. You just don't feel like reading an update of a story at that one time and then at another and you start to totally ignore its updates. Dropping just happens.

This story had a strong start and very good first chapters, but MC's apparent lack of intelligence becomes painfully obvious. And I'm not talking about genius levels of smartness. Just your everyday level. It's a bit hidden (kudos to the author to succeed in that), but if you thing about it, MC and the other characters dumbness in some important matters exists to create drama. Instead of hiding it, the author should just have found explanations for their behavior.
E.g. MC did only see one type of monster back then or maybe another type that lived near by and "might have joined the attack by chance". -> He wouldn't have known, that so many different types would come, which also explains, why he chose to go with a wall. He just didn't expect any flying types to show up. He'd also be right to believe the whole time a normal stampede would arrive. Alas, MC isn't stupid, but was set up by the circumstances. Much better. I should be editor at a manga label.

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