Wait, she's calling his parents by their first name? But the couple themselves are still calling each other by their family names??
Gimme more progress!
Nice how both think the other is strong and cool. Great pairing.
I wonder what Izumi would think if he knew that his mom wanted to date his gf, lol.
Calling his parents "older people" when his mom looks so young, haha.
Aw! This chapter was really sweet XD!! That moment when he put on his jacket to take Shikimori-san home and telling his mom was quite the scene... MC looked really cool! Also his parents are quite the characters too XD!
Talk about full approval from Mom and Dad. Also, Papa has some bizarre no-presense stealth ability to be able to go so unnoticed (especially for a larger guy).
Idk why, but I had this image of Shikimori and Izumi having a kid that has the same "disposition" as his dad, so Shikimori is protecting two at that point xD