Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie

Active member
Feb 1, 2023
Came here to say that I don't like the description and almost didn't read this manga because of it
Yeah. The description need to be updated, for real. So misleading. Should've used synopsis from official RAW website that describe Shikimori as not only cute, but also xxxx (like how the title said).

Cool is just one of that.

and now the description is finally fixed. Nice
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
Hi! if you're a newcomer reading these comments in order to decide whether or not to read this, then feel free to read this comment. if not.. enjoy the rant?

This should be obvious but these are merely my humble opinions so if you don't like them, cope.
Anywaaaaay this is basically a normal Slice-of-Life school manga with a couple that consists of a really unlucky guy and a "cool" girl. That's it.
For a romance manga I anticipated a kiss, hug or even some forbidden hand holding every now and then but alas, nothing happens here except for maybe a semi-emotional/romantic moment every 30 chapters or so that sometimes get ruined by the BF's "unluckiness" (e.g the theme park boat moment for those who know).
If you're looking for a typical romance manga that has consistent lovely couple moments, go elsewhere. But if you're looking for what is what I would call a "High school romance manga with a realistic couple", then sure, read this.
What I mean is that this is a normal High school manga that includes a group of friends living a normal school life but with the existence of a couple in the friend group but the catch is that they act like a "realistic" couple, i.e. not lovey-dovey frequently like seen in many (if not most) High school Romance mangas. Which makes the manga boring to be honest, even though I'm a supported for manga with more realistic couples. What makes this boring is that they don't really do couple-y things and sorta seem like 2 friends who have a crush on each other and are seen together a lot instead of a real couple that are intimate with each other.
In short, nothing really happens in this manga except for an unlucky accident about to happen to the guy and his GF saving him and looking "cool" and him being like "kyaaa I love her so much omg", which I really don't like tbh.
Again all of these statements are just my opinions so don't get triggered if you disagree -.-
Unfortunately because this manga bored me and it felt like I had to force myself to read the chapters I dropped it around chapter 153-ish, So please feel free to comment with your thoughts or maybe even give me a different perspective on this story.

Well, to conclude this long ass rant.. KAMIYA IS BEST GIRL AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE YOU BIT-
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2018
What's the deal with volume count? MU and MD pages state the last is 18th volume, but scanlation goes up to 20.
Active member
Feb 1, 2023
Just in case anyone that read this and decided to try reading this manga, I'd like to say why you should read this manga and put some clarification about recent rant :

If you tired of stupid misunderstanding and drama in a lot of romance manga that happened because of lack of communication, you will like this manga. Yes, you will feel they are not too dovey-lovey and intimate. But they clearly know how to communicate properly. You will see how they can tell what they feel to each other, how they discuss something when either of them have some concern, how they support each other and become better together. They're clearly made of each other

That's what make them actual couple and quite realistic. Real couple should at least can do that.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
Just in case anyone that read this and decided to try reading this manga, I'd like to say why you should read this manga and put some clarification about recent rant :

If you tired of stupid misunderstanding and drama in a lot of romance manga that happened because of lack of communication, you will like this manga. Yes, you will feel they are not too dovey-lovey and intimate. But they clearly know how to communicate properly. You will see how they can tell what they feel to each other, how they discuss something when either of them have some concern, how they suppprt each other and become better together. They're clearly made of each other

That's what make them actual couple and quite realistic. Real couple should at least can do that.
Totally agree!
I should've mentioned that in my rant thingy, my bad. When I wrote the comment I was thinking about how I could describe a realistic couple but couldn't find the words, but you did that perfectly! Many thanks for the comment!
Looking back on the series and after reading this comment I can more clearly see the charm of this couple and Manga. Not in the sense of intimate moments, but in the sense of a good and supportive couple who care about each-other and communicate with one another like a good couple would in real life.
So overall, a good read. and who knows, I might pick it up again.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2023
Idunno about everyone else, but seeing huge blocks of text describing a manga makes me scroll past 'em.

I loved this series and I loved the anime. Honestly, after reading the entire thing I can't help but want to see a "future" in these extra bits after the ending. Seeing this update it my feed puts a huge smile on my face because it was such an enjoyable read.

Read it yourself or not, but don't let peoples biased feelings on the series be the reason you do or do not read it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
By the end of this one is left with a feeling of disappointment.

No doubt the manga began strong, with Shikimori's confiedence contrasting with Izumi's timid nature. The artwork further reinforced this, clearly establishing Shikimori as the "masculine" part of the relationship. This got tiring after about thirty chapters, so its good the mangaka eventually dropped the trope.

The next fifty or so chapters got progressively more bland, to the point it felt nothing was happening. Even for a slice-of-life story it felt boring. A lack of any tension or conflict made this impossible to keep binge reading until chapter 80 or so.

After this point Saruogi brings the manga to its peak. A shy loner, he finds himself welcomed into Izumi's friend group over the course of a field trip, becoming better as a person while still remaining true to his shy self. More than any other character he represents the optimism and joy this manga expressed to its readers. His arc also reinvogorates the manga for the next 80 or so chapters.

The last fifteen chapters return to the episodic nature the series had at the beginning. The downgrade in art, plus a lackluster ending, give the manga an OK ending, but not good. Despite the two being in a relationship there was little in the way of progress in the form of lewdness or background explanation. The reader has to accept their relationship as a fait accompli, which doesn't feel satisfying.

A good slice-of-life, but don't expect anything revolutonary.

Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2018
Wait, it's already over? I thought it was still going and only had like 10 volumes out.

Oh well.

My two cents.

This series is like cream filled cake, wrapped in fondant, rolled in vanilla ice cream, encased in white chocolate, and covered in powdered sugar. With a sprinkle of saccharine on top.

There's also a single tiny lemon rind somewhere.

Yes your sugar levels will rise just reading it.

It's still adorable.
Jul 12, 2020
Uh, oh, officially translated chapters got linked... Let's hope the original translation doesn't get pulled down before i get around to starting to actually read it
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2018
Seeing Publication:completed already really hits hard ;-;
What hits HARDER is the revolting hate and review bombing it got bringing it down from 9.06 to 8.67 for no other reason than being hateful PoS. The negative reception this series got overall as well as other lackluster adaptions has made me realise just how fake and full of shit the animanga "community" really and how garbage the medium and hobby is.

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