Shimanami Tasogare - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Some more beautiful pages in this chapter. I love the slightly magical feel Anon brings to an otherwise realistic series (particularly when the other characters imagine her flying).
Feb 6, 2018
Man, I love Anonymous so much. I love how she's being used to explain that orientation doesn't define you as a person, and just because you're part of the LGBT+ community doesn't mean you immediately understand everyone who's part of it too.

Also SHE'S SO PRETTY and god those apathetic feelings regarding gender are relatable.
Jul 7, 2018
I really love Anon too, she's such a mysterious and beautiful character that I wish we got to see a little more of her. I guess her fleeting presences is the whole point though. I was a bit worried when the revelation that she may be asexual seemed to imply that was the reason for her being... strange, otherworldly, and otherwise not human. I'm glad that the author addressed that in this chapter through Tasuku's mistake, and made it clear that people don't need labels, and shouldn't be defined by them.

For me, however, finding that label of asexuality and learning about the ace spectrum helped me understand more about myself. It was relieving to find out I wasn't the only one. At some point though, I started to wonder whether I called myself asexual because of who I was or whether I was molding myself to better fit the expectations of an asexual person. Maybe it's both. But like Tasuku said, what's important is that we are who we are, even if we don't even understand ourselves.

Another beautiful chapter, as always. I'll be really sad to see it end.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@magarum Well, as it turned out, not everyone understands this, continuing to hang labels on Misora, not understanding what exactly the author wants to say with this message. We don’t even know if Misora's identity is consistent with the binary system, but people still continue to either call they a trance girl or a crossdresser boy.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
Asexuality and A-romanticism are two different things, but often go hand in hand. A-romanticism is not, however, anti-socialism, and I can't help but wonder if refraining from any and all human interaction (even going so far as to refrain from attending her friend's wedding, which is held very close to her own room) is healthy.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
I'm glad the author clarified that Anon's asexuality is just one aspect of her character, and isn't the reason for her aloof nature. I'd be fine if the mystery surrounding her is never really cleared up, but I can't help but wonder where she gets all of her funds.

Also, I know it's been 2 years, but as someone who adopted the label of ace for convenience's sake, your comment really moved me @Vickamoose. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Jul 7, 2018
@Betony I’m honored that you feel that way! It was definitely a confusing journey that I’m still figuring out in rough strokes. I personally don’t know any ace people, so if you’d like, I’d love to have a conversation sometime. That also goes for anyone else who comes across this and wants to talk about asexuality!
Sep 6, 2020
i absolutely love that anon said "i may be an asexual interested in sex or an asexual repulsed by the idea" like thats suuuuuch an important distinction!! im not ace myself but i know a lot of ace people who are sex positive, sex neutral/indifferent, and sex repulsed. not a lot of people, even fellow non-ace people in lgbt+ communities know this!! thank you
Sep 6, 2020
also i think someone said in a previous chapter thread, it might be possible that anon has some sort of personality disorder? i know there are some that deal with depersonalization and/or identity conflicts. of course she doesnt have to have a PD to be this way but its an interesting theory! i dont see many characters in anime or manga with PDs, and if they do have them its very unrealistic or shown in a highly negative light.
Active member
Sep 25, 2020
in all seriousness, I'm not sure if anonymous exists as a real person. I'm pretty sure she doesn't exist outside of the characters' minds.

But woah meta statement: obviously she doesn't exist, because in the end, she only exists in our minds as a fictitious character. So instead of trying to understand what she is, maybe the idea is to understand why the mangaka put her in and what point they were trying to make with such a character.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
rather than schrodinger's, she's more like a heisenberg uncertainty
you can't define her with one thing without losing the others
she is a free moving particle
she represents freedom
a flexible meter/scale that helps other characters calibrate themselves
Nov 1, 2020
I would love to see these scenes animated especially in a cool style like madoka magica or something

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