Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni shimashita - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2018
So I get that she wants to be his wife but she is pushing some dangerous requests so casually.

Should a married couple share there belongings? Yes,... maybe. But the shop is his outright, and I expect him to fight to keep it under his name. Especially since they are not even a couple yet.

Asking to have the shop include her name is to be treated like a partner and equal in ownership. She has no right to have her name on the shop even IF they get married latter cus she did not contribute in it's founding. After all, her contract with him is not as a partner but as an employee.

The same thing applies to the registration of the new anesthetic drug. He developed and made it. Just because she is there with him when he registers does not mean she can have her name tagged onto it.

These pies are filled with drugs and should be treated the same way as the anesthetic in terms of regulations. Having some one overdoes on pies IS NO JOKE! (...ok maybe a little.)
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2019
@NP-3228. It depends on the chemicals used. This is herbal medicine, it is a lot more like cooking then modern medicine.

For example, this pie helps with the common cold and is a multivitamin. The bitter flavor in it is probably something to do with vitamin c (very sour in it's natural state), garlic (does help with the common cold but by itself can cause you to puke. Properly prepared garlic is smashed and cut up then left to sit 30 min before being comsumed. Eat it raw and on an empty stomach and you will puke), echinacea (kinda earthy/bitter? It is a little hard to describe homemade extract flavor of it. Best when put in tea to hide the flavor). Those 3 things can be cooked with and all will help boost your immunity.

I have noticed that people from Asia taste things a little different then western people. My fiancee says that pizza is sour? So the bitterness might tasted like something else like sour or pungent.

Source: I love to cook and have studied herbology and gardening and grow medicinal herbs (still a beginner tho)

Edit: the diet of city folk in ancient times was really poor. Scurvy was a thing because people would just live on stuff like bread. The fact he is making a fruit pie would save many people from an early death, even without the herbs. Few people understood the importance of food back then. The diet of a serf living outside of the city was much better and as such, they were fairly healthy. I think the average meal for a peasant was trout, black bread and some veggies with the occasional egg or foraged item. Deer were right out. The king owned all large animals on the land and to kill one was punishable by death
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2019
In fact, it wasnt until around the 1200s that cities became decent enough to be able to maintain their population density. Before this, cities required a constant influx of people because the death rate from disease and malnutrition exceeded the birth rate in cities. Usually. There are exceptions, especially outside of Europe.

I will try and refund the source for that once I get off work .
Sep 18, 2019
Oh I thought we were going to suddenly encounter the opioid crisis in this fantasy world. Corporations purposefully selling addictive drugs so they can keep selling them to customers.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
Look, a girl with background with the MC and had interest on him build up. Its not like what you see around on sekai/isekai that they just fall into MC cock one after another.
Feb 3, 2018
@CraniumAmbiguity: Normally, I'd agree, but I think the setting is in a completely different world without certain influences leading women to be the Modern Women™ we're all familiar with that'd be the reasons for exactly the danger you spoke of.

Lit's entirely different--I would even say diametrically different from that kind of woman. Actually beautiful and 100% loves her man, would go to bat for him (page seven had me thinking that a man should have a woman at his side that would look upon those who disrespect him or mean him ill the way she she looked at that merchant--and she looked like she was going to carve him like a turkey), and wouldn't see her man in his lesser moments as a sign that she should abuse and then abandon him, but instead as an opportunity to support him/back him up, and shower love upon him--as Lit did after the encounter with the merchant. She even saw his shame at being unable to perform at his best for her sake, and built him up instead of letting him tear himself down (or worse, tearing him down herself).

A girl like Lit is extremely rare in the real world, may not even exist. It's for that reason that I can understand such guarded thinking, because it's what any man worth his salt needs in this day and age.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2018
I do not doubt the morals of the woman or her integrity, but instead I am concerned about the lack of legal caution. She may have good intentions and mean no ill will, she might even be a good person at heart, but her wording and actions have non-trivial legal meaning. Regardless of character or intentions, this is still alarming.

For instance the phrase "I'm gonna kill you." is taken seriously and usually literally in court of law, regardless of original intention.

P.S. And if you intend to rebuke about it being, "another world", or "fantasy" then I would like to remind you that it is still based on the logic of our world (feudal monarchy/medieval society if i remember correctly). So they still have a sense of ownership, contracts, written law, law enforcement, commence and currency, ect...) So you can probably bet they have disputes among parties, and judges to resolve them.
Feb 3, 2018
@CraniumAmbiguity: You're correct, fantasy world or not.

Perhaps it is meant to emphasize the depth of their mutual affection, perhaps it was a nonissue to the author (I'm inclined to think it was more of the former)--but either way, you're right. For someone as good as tactical and strategic thinking as Red is, that was pretty careless.
Feb 3, 2018
@CraniumAmbiguity: Madness? No, just an improbability.

To begin with, it wasn't an "argument", but merely a discussion characterized by disagreement. It also helps that you are talking to someone who is neither immature nor enslaved to emotion (and the two states are closely related). Many people in this era are both, no matter the age.

For me, the discussion--the Proverbial sharpening of iron by iron, the pursuit of truth, the examination of reality--is far more important than anything I could feel about it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
Fuckin riajuus.

Rito coming on so damn strong that even Red consented to just acting like newlyweds.
Active member
Jan 8, 2020
My heart

I was thinking how mixing medicine and food is a bad idea (cus I dunno overdose or something) but then again it's some fantasy world so who knows

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