Shingeki no Eroko-san ~Hen na Oneesan wa Danshikousei to Nakayoku Naritai~

Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2019
@Calxyflos @Orange_Orange It doesn't matter whether it is cute or creepy when a woman does it because the fact is that a woman doesn't need to do it. As long as she is even just a little bit attractive, she can find a guy to let her do any pervy stuff she wants with consent
Nov 12, 2018
I hate to be "that guy", I really do... But this reads like a guy writing his own personal, sexual fantasy.
Active member
Aug 30, 2018
@Heika & @Flashplayer0cd - Actually, you're both right. Men that have a shit load of money, and top of being handsome? Women ( obviously not all women, chill) will literally throw themselves at men, this isn't an opinion, it's a fact.

And Simps exist for a reason, so yes, as long as a woman is good looking, women will indeed get away with creepy stuff just for being beautiful. Ever heard of Twitch?

I would argue tho, that if the man isn't rich, even if he is handsome, it doesn't come near (percentage-wise) as bad as women. So, again, both of you are right.
Apr 1, 2019
Ey, from the makers of - Dick jokes are nice but romcom is better. And Yes to the guy below me.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Please stop using racist language. Refer to rule 5.1 and its corollaries here:


Double-page supporter
Sep 16, 2018
@zephyrus is a word racist if its not in a derogative term and the person is of or partially of that race? like to me it just a word that has no negative connotation how is it offencive? im legit confused on how yall see it as racist when its just a synonym for "bro" or "dude" in other terms
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 15, 2019
lul, another pedo manga, I'm sure the self-inserters are on the defense case for this as well~

@EminentLine yup, that is pretty much what 99% of these adult women x underage boy manga are: self-insert shit where the pedo is ignored cause the woman is "hot/milf/cute/ara ara" or w.e -_-

if these same manga had the roles reversed, adult man x underage girl especially if the dude was the one coming on to the girl, the same self-inserters would only then suddenly find it creepy and fcked: double standards galore
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
I've heard that argument before. Doesn't hold water with me.

I don't care how *you* view it, but how others view it.
Double-page supporter
Sep 16, 2018
@zephyrus makes sense since ig altho if the root of the problem is based on how other view it then arent both sides correct? like im not the *only* one seeing it like this so the problem goes both ways its just a matter of how something is presented and what i said was in no means racist as i said nothing negative about another race.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
@voidox who said I wouldn't enjoy it if the gender is reversed? Don't underestimate my degeneracy.
Active member
Oct 16, 2018
@kanami-chan Do people still get offended by the use of the N word with the (ga) at the end? Swear I say that word every other sentence when hanging with my friends. This is coming from a black guy with other black guys and some hispanic guys. I have noticed that it is normally white guys that get offended for black guys about the word black guys are using. I don't agree with you though. Liberals are rather annoying.

"You can't do this because one person on this earth containing 6 billion people may not like it" -Liberal 101.

Be a real shame if this post gets moderated though. I won't be surprised if it does.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2019
@BraveHeartedHero I assume its a matter of context; while the large scope of understanding is near impossible to understand as there is way too much variance and nuance to have a central world view; however in our limited scope, the usage of the word matters with context. In the scope of the internet, you have little to no context of said person. Are they white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Native America, etc. Are they from an area in the world or socioeconomic background where such words are taboo or words are just words. Making assumptions is thought of to hinder more than help, and likewise with stereotypes being used in order to aid in the categorical placement of the mass amounts of people one interacts with, however, with the internet being an anonymous as it could be while still conversing, it is better to er on the side of caution and restraint until stated otherwise. The person who says it could be allowed rightly to use this word, especially after they state their own background and upbringing. But even then, people lie, and its easier to lie behind a screen.
Active member
Oct 16, 2018
@UnluckyGrape You're basically proving my point in stating that because someone/somewhere can possibly be offended by this while the person saying the word in question could lie about their background/upbringing in order (which I don't believe in at all. Say what you want. My sister has used the actual racist slur to insult me and I laugh because she is just an edgy teenager at 16) to validate use of said then it is better for all that can possibly be involved that the language is not used. I just find it strange that forums are sticklers about it when there is a manga on this site with the N word in the title. I've yet to see it taken down or censored.

tl:dr Talk how others want you to talk until they give you permission to talk how you like. Personally ima keep saying what I want but forums rules are forum rules. Long as no one in a chat box is telling me I am wrong for uttering the word in my real life personal space then im fine.

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