You see, the problem of this manga is the same as the one with all good ones in the current years, it got too popular and now the kids and regular shounen readers are pcking it up and thinking they can make it be something it is not, a shounen manga.
At the same time the people that where here from the start because of the tragedy/psicologycal pressure from the early chapters are forming bandwagons to try and gatekeep the series, even now that is a world wide fenomenon.
The thing is, whatever ending we get you guys would better remember that the author inself already spoiled what was the original ending he had planned, and it is not gonna happen, because as with everything, time and pressure changed his views and what he wants to acomplish with this story and all of us, the fans, be it the ones that winne every chapter from the start about how they hate it (ironic since they keep reading untill now) or be it the ones that love every single part of it, are part of the reason why the ending will be the way it will.