Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 34 Ch. 138 - A Long Dream

Mar 17, 2019
Yal dont seem to get it, erens whole plan was never the rumbling to kill every one it was to achieve freedom and to do so he had to stop the loop that was occurring. So he and ymir hatched a secret plan in doing so, it essentially being successful since eren had to die in the end to achieve there goal. A bitter sweet end to eren indeed.

Anyways guys we'll have it further explained about in the next chapter, this chapter being eren's pov this time, since the last two chapters it was Armin's and Mikasa's pov, now its gonna be Eren's.
Feb 14, 2021
Ymir and Eren made a Plan to end the cycle of hate. and for that is for Eren to become the greatest Threat the world has ever faced. He removed all the hate and fear dedicated to paradis and focus it on him. and then as the final piece are turning the Eldians in the concentration camp into titans so that the Marley and the remaining people will not blame the surviving Eldians and also view them as Eren's victims, and the fact that an Ackerman who always depends on people for them to act, made a decision and free the world from that nightmare, even at the cost of killing the one she values the most.
Oct 29, 2019
"Standing here, I realize,
You are just like me, trying to make history.
But who's to judge, the right from wrong?
When our guard is down, I think we'll both agree,
That violence breeds violence,
But in the end, it had to be this way."
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 5, 2020
Ymir's face on the last page is exactly my reaction trying to assimilate what the fuck did I just read
Dec 16, 2020
Some people will disagree with me, but I think Eren deserves to live.
However, I hope the next chapter doesn’t tell us this was all a dream by going back to the first chapter with Eren lying under the tree...
Mar 25, 2020
Lol Reiner said when will Eren pay?? Bro you guys did the same thing man. Just cuz you guys suddenly turns 'good' doesn't mean that you guys doesn't have to pay for what you did haha. IMO seeing these mf friends and family die in front of them (I don't think they are dead though, shame) is not good enough, they need to pay more

Another cliche ending where the bad guys gets free huh. Meh ending
May 25, 2018

That kinda checks out with what I was thinking, but there is a particular thing that must happen for it to work imo, and that is the titan powers dissapearing because they manage to kill the tentacle thingy or some other reason. Else I don't think it would be much time until some non-eldian organized another genocide/racial campaign just to be sure eldians are "under control" and no other psycho like Eren appears in the future.
May 22, 2019
you are saying that everyone except ackermans and the one who have titan powers turned into titan? seriously?????????
Double-page supporter
Oct 6, 2019
@DoctorMckay That's the saddest part imo, majority of the cast dying and half the world being genocided is the only way no nut job like Eren gets too edgy again.
Aug 6, 2020

But the thing is Eren went too far with his actions

You ever heard the adage, the ends don't always justify the means.

This clip from one of my fave tv shows, The 100 explains it in more detail:

As Kane pointed out in that clip, he has seen the horrors that we commit in the name of survival. Like political assassinations, wrongful imprisonment and torture.

This stuff applies also directly to Eren btw:

Political assassination - Yep, when he and Zeke and staged that coup against his own countries government.

Wrongful imprisonment - After Eren betrayed all his friends and allies like Armin, Mikasa, Connie, etc - he locked them all up in jail for them daring to disagree with him.

Torture - Like how Floch and his fellow Yeagrist followers, started killing and torturing the Azumabito's who btw where there allies. Eren must bear responsibility for this, since Floch's authority was given to him by none other than Eren himself.

Also like how Kane pointed out to Diyoza in that clip, replacing one dictator for another aka Dizoya for Octavia.

That line also applies to this series too, aka replacing one terrible nation Marley with another ie Elodia.

Before you deny otherwise, yes Eren and his fellow Yeagerist scumbag followers like Floch where becoming just as bad Marley are tbh.

My point is I feel that Eren wasn't justified in any of his actions post timeskip. He has sure as hell didn't haven't to kill many innocent civilians when he gatecrashed the Warhammer Titan's conference.

He definitely didn't have to betray his friends and comrades like Armin, Mikasa, Jean, etc.

Eren didn't have to plan and stage that coup against his own countries government either.

He sure has hell didn't have to use the Wall Titans to mass genocide the world outside Paradis Island.

My point is that Eren didn't have to any of those actions, now did he.

Sure Eren may end up with peace ultimately for Paradis Island eventually. But the whole method and the means and ways Eren went about it just angers me.

Hence imo, why Eren fully deserves to be labelled as evil and villainous.

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