Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai wo - Vol. 4 Ch. 18

Apr 19, 2018
- yamaguchi mikoto universe theory -

You guys remember Shinigami Onegai?
Or you guys remember Mayonaka X Giten?

I proposed that both manga (which shared same author) is also shared the same universe.
This is my theory regarding shinigami onegai ending :
this manga share the same universe with "Mayonaka X Giten" (same mangaka)

Not only that, actualy Saaya is the very first one who created the the body swap method in Mayonaka X Giten
How Saaya creates it?? Probably with similiar trick with the baldy Kuroneko (check chapter 3)
Why Saaya creates it?? To save Minamida Azuma. Minamida simply swaping into better body and he will be immortal

Ofcourse one of the trait of body swap in this universe is super power. Probably Minamida get a power to silence Saaya.
Probably something like "global memory erasure" so change nothing in the rule of Sayaa-cannot-lie

Now, body swap is a cheat power in this universe law because shinigami also count body as sinner
Remember that Kureha-Shiroha arc? If the possessed innocent kid kill the father, she will also be blamed for murder
What if someone (let's say Aida), swap body with another one (let's say X), and kill alot of people (let's say Shizuka Family)??

If we open up the possibilty of body swapping, we got alot of new scenario and explanation of confusing thing.
Combine body swap with "global memory erasure", it explain about the last wish contradiction for Aida's case.
And since body swapping also grant the user super power, It explain why Minamida jr so keen for Aida's body (check last chapter)

So what about yamaguchi mikoto's other manga?
I will also claim Tomodachi Game share the same universe with them
And the real traitor is :
Yuichi...........But not our Yuichi.
In mayonaka X giten we exposed double personality
Yuichi has double personality. one good and one bad

He got them from body swapping goes wrong
So instead of swapping one personality, two got stuck together
One of them ia the real traitor
Jan 21, 2018
Maybe the accident that injured their mother was the same one that killed the politician’s wife (and is the politician’s wife the father’s cousin)? That would mean that Minamida set up both incidents, and gives a connection between the two.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
@newershadow at first your theory seem a bit off based cause i assume right now minamida's age would be around 22-26 so 13 year ago he would has 9-13 yo which seem impossible atleast he must be still in the hospital cause his brother coma for 10 year and never mention that he's not in the hospital anymore
but i went back reread it and yeah politician wife died 13 year ago and shizuku's mother accident happen 15 year ago so it might connect in one way or another
and another theory is older minamida become evil spirit and trying to set crime according to story in his novel he wrote(perfect crime), because his novel is not complete yet and want his lil bro to read it(but it's too roundabout he can possess someone write and send it to his lil bro his lil bro is kinda smart too he might figure it out)
but this theory wouldn't be true if we don't know the content inside his novel
some theory in internet said the culprit is his mother
mother last wish might be able to see again or turn her body back before incident which make he blind and disabled
she angry that hibiki face resemble the dad's cousin that in the car on the incident day(she must know that cousin plan to kill her but never mention before in any chapter)
and his father wish is to erase shizuku memory about his mother kill hibiki (why did he also get kill maybe he try to holding mother back) (it also answer the point of hibiki got her leg cut because mother can't use her leg either. but why are you so angry mother-chan lmao)
(actually this plot seem bullshit unacceptable for me because then who take shizuka pic and only hibiki can heal the other because each shinigami have unique ability(but in some chapter mention that saaya learning until she got erase memory ability maybe ability can be learn and not actually unique))
actually author still hold a lot of plot to play like
what secret sayaa holding?
what happen next after shiroha become shinigami?
why only shizuku alive?(in this case both dad and mom must not be culprit so one of them can use last wish to save shizuku like wish for culprit to not kill shizuku and another wish to erase his memory during that time/or erase everyone memory that witness the incident so culprit will confuse try to get evidence and send to police then run away)
Summerize : no more open ending/axed pls there's no theory that give me 100% sure that who was the culprit
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Well, the remake has started and hopefully it won't get axed so we will know the answer. As for the culprit, I can't be bothered to think all of this through, but I imagine his father's cousin had a child and that's the culprit. I think the cousin wasn't mentioned until the final chapter, so she is definitely related to the answer.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 12, 2019
Thanks for the translation.
But damn is that ending unsatisfying.


Mar 11, 2019
If people don’t already know, the author released a “remake” version (Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai wo RE). There’s a translation of the final chapters that mostly explain the plot but there are some elements added to it. Still, the author had all the threads for the reveal in this one.
Taking hints from that ending, here’s my solution without the added elements from the second story.
First off, the possible fifth person taking the photo in the last chapter is a red herring — it’s a ploy by Minamida to capture Shizuka. We see Minamida capturing Shizuka; if Minamida had any particular information, he would use that to make Shizuka a pawn instead of capturing him. Another clue is the fact that Shizuka doesn't focus on the 5th person at all in the letter he leaves Hibiki so he likely figured that if Minamida captures him, the photo is most likely staged (without photoshopping).
The last chapter reveals most of the clues needed. The hints given are -- 1) Shinigami cannot grant wishes leading to murder (but Hibiki's wish to maximize Shizuka's punishment was granted) 2) Saaya does not know anything about the incident 3) Even the section chief shinigami are disallowed from accessing archives related to this incident 4) Shizuka survived even though he wasn't the murderer. 5) The last wishes of the mom and dad, and their orders are relevant. Either mom or dad wished for the memories to be erased.

The murderer was likely the mom, as was hinted in earlier chapters (but dismissed by Shizuka). It aligns with the dad trying to stop Shizuka before death. Here's how.
From the start of the last chapter, we can guess that the mom's wish would have been to look at Hibiki. We can also guess that the mom was likely very sick and thus she would get her wish before death (she also asked about other people's wishes likely to think about what she can ask for her last request). So she got to have a final look at Hibiki before death. At this point, mom saw that Hibiki looks a lot like the Dad's cousin, and was traumatized by her last 15 years of being blind and a cripple. She attacked Hibiki, and cut off her legs to make her feel the same. At this point, Hibiki passed out, Shizuka comes in and tries to stop the mom. Dad intervenes and is killed in the process, and mom feeling guilty kills herself. Since the dad didn't murder anyone, he got to ask for a request. He most likely got to ask for all information regarding the incident to be removed so that Shizuka never learns that his mom went crazy. This is why Saaya also doesn't know anything, and the section chief is not allowed to access information related to the case since it would break his last request. She also says at the end of chapter 5 that she will erase the truth again, meaning she already did it once.
Now, Hibiki wakes up, sees Shizuka with the blade, assumes the worst and asks for the max penalty for him. Normally, this would not be allowed since you can't kill other people, but in Shizuka's case, it was allowed with the case decision being unusually fast. This is because Shizuka is also one of the destined dead people, and is supposed to die at a specific time. Many situations show this -- 1) Shizuka got a last request before death, something reserved only for people destined to die and sick people 2) Even after escaping his fate in chapter 1, 5, and the other times he nearly died, in the last chapter he's shown to feel weak and realizing he naturally doesn't have a lot of time left. It's also interesting as to why Minamida wants to capture Shizuka -- Shizuka is similar to his brother, Azuma.

There are some issues here that don't fully explain everything. Asami, with no information about the Shinigami, was somehow able to ascertain that Shizuka is not the culprit, but it's not clear how. It's also strange how Hibiki was birthed well and without issues when the mom became blind and paraplegic. Finally, since the murder happened in the home, the mom should have been well and discharged (because of her last request) but this should have given her ample time to see Hibiki. This should mean she fully planned the murder, and didn't commit it in a fit of rage. Another issue is that the mom's request led to the death of the dad and Hibiki, but shinigami rules would disallow this, as they tried to punish Hibiki for the same thing in chapter 2. This can likely be explained by the fact that the shinigami that restored the mom's body is nowhere to be seen and was likely punished already.

The remake has some new elements that tries to explain some of this. It's not all translated so I am not sure if this is all valid, but here are a few things that explain it.
We are shown a conversation between the mom and the dad's cousin. The dad's cousin was apprehensive of the marriage, so there was a rift. Right before the accident, the two were having a conversation, and the mom interpreted the very last thing the cousin said to mean that she's pregnant with the dad's child (this is where the detail of being a cousin, not sister is useful). Right before the murder, the dad reveals that during the accident, mom's pregnancy misscarried, but miraculously the cousin's child survived (but he adamantly denies that Hibiki is his child). The mom fixates a lot about whether Hibiki is truly her child, and takes the info that Hibiki is the cousin's child poorly, attacks her, attacks the dad for lying to her and sleeping with the cousin, then kills herself without killing Shizuka since he's her only child.
The story also introduces more things like the dad's cousin's last request to save her own child (proving she didn't try to kill the mom), and the mom's fixation on her (second) child to imply that Shizuka is not related to the dad etc. It seems more complicated than necessary, but all the elements for a proper, and satisfying ending are there.
Nothing so far seems to explain how Asami figured it out (other than mostly figuring out that Shizuka's personality is inconsistent with the murder)
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