Yeah no, Bullshit. Europe has some of the most advanced medical services and highest life expectations in the world.
That's not a refutation. People die in your systems. Who dies is still different, but people still die. And we're not simply talking about death here, but about other sufferring.
Worse, your life-expectancy statistics are distorted by discounting infant mortality. Only one nation in the world begins counting from birth. Every European nation starts later, one not counting any deaths in the first year.
Remind me where we're the institutions that developed the first effective corona shots? Ah Germany and Britain.
Indeed, and the Soviet Union got the first satellite into orbit and the first man into space; but it was none-the-less a technologically backward place. As the French economist Bastiat would remind you, costs are unseen because they are unrealized opportunities; counting only the visible is economically benighted.
No bureaucrat is deciding your fate, but medical professionals.
Medically trained bureaucrats are still bureaucrats; and real doctors whose practices are governed by rules established by bureaucrats have their decisions steered by bureaucrats.
You realize the EU is a free market
No, it's a regulated economic system.
lots of people from France and Germany travel to Czech to get eye surgery cheaper.
Yes, which is to say that the EU is not one of
the most socialized systems
which was what my statement was about. The ordinary subject of any of
the most socialized systems cannot engage in medical tourism.
And, to return to the prior point, medical tourism exists as a way of escaping socialistic delivery of medical services, to purchase them in a market. Everyone who buys medical care internationally exhibits a failure of the system prevailing in his or her own nation.
Talking eloquently and pseudo intellectually doesn't change reality.
What doesn't change anything are your LOLs.
you're full of crap man 😂
I'm an actual economist who has studied the economics of medical care. You're a person whose thought process is thoughtlessly conservative — in the original sense of “conservative”.