Shirley - Ch. 19 - Fabric accessories

Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2019
good to see you have made your own version of ch 19. We did our version before, but as mentioned in the comments of our version of ch 19, we won't be able to scan any further chapters due to the passing of Gangsta Cromwell, our typesetter. We hope you are able to do chapter 20 when/if it comes out.
Fed-Kun's army
May 19, 2024
Glad people are enjoying my remake of the chapter! Mostly I just wanted to do justice to this one chapter, as the previously uploaded translation could have done with another editing pass or two. But I still want to give credit to the original group, as I used that version as the base for this version. While I did hunt down the chapter in Japanese too to check what the original script was, that was the originally published magazine version with some pages being more sketchy.

As far as Shirley is concerned, the only other thing I think I'll be uploading for completeness's sake is the commentary pages for the first volume since I had already made an English version of those for elsewhere, since those were left in Japanese in the vol 1 scanlations here. While the translated chapters of the first volume here do have some inaccuracies, the first volume has also been published in English, so improving the scanlation of that seems kind of pointless. Also don't quite have the time to sink into that. I do have one other thing in the pipeline that I'm excited about to upload, though. That should happen sometime next week.

One thing I will note is that I am not personally good enough at Japanese to really be a translator by myself. I can figure out the language, I have studied it, but I'm far from fluent. I'm not great at identifying kanji on sight, but I know enough about it to look them up via their radicals, and while I know enough to make sense of most stuff by punching it into Google Translate or so, there are some nuances with phrasing and stuff that I don't quite pick up on. To make this re-translation, I used the previously existing one as a base, Google Translate and to check things, and via knowing each other on SomethingAwful forums, assistance from Giant Ethicist to check my work since there were some stuff I wasn't fully sure about. My primary skills for scanlation work lies in editing and typesetting, as well as making sure that things sound good in English. I write fanfiction, and have a journalism degree, so I'm all about that proofreading, proofreading, proofreading!

So. How much I'll upload in the future will depend on what there is that I want to see translated, that it seems that nobody else is doing. And if I can then get it translated properly. I have seen that some Kaoru Mori things exist that have yet to be translated, so I might look into that!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
I always love this authors attention to things like embroidery- its so her to make a plot point hinge on a recognizable stitch.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Thanks for the tl!

I completely missed there was a new chapter quite a while ago oops.

One thing I really appreciate about Mori as an author is she doesn't shy away from including different body types in her work.

The body type the orphanage mistress has is very typical of that time period for an older lady.

Stout and wide shouldered, when I was very very young my nanny (grandma) shown us pictures of her mother, and her grandmother, and she had the exact same frame as this character.

She lived a incredibly rough life I suspect as my nan also said her grandma used to work as a maid for a more well off family and she would've been young in around the mid 18th century. It was just what you did in that period and you needed money and weren't ready or able to marry yet I guess.

I didn't really know much more than that sadly though but Shirley's series tickles my nostalgia in that area sometimes. Especially with how accurate the vibe feels in the buildings, environments and the like classic Victorian home vibes.

It's funny to think although Mori is probably only thinking of England when she makes these series that a decent amount of it is also applicable to other parts of Britain.

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