They can't look for someone if they're dead...
Have not met many necromancers now have we...
Wasting millions for 1 punch? Fkn idiot
Did you read the chapter? Don't bother that comment means the answer is no.
1) 1.5 million Yen (which looking at ch 2 the points costs are based on) is a little under $10,700 USD, so not wasting millions in the same sense as an american would.
2) He is not spending that for a punch. He spent it so the group of murderous thugs, that are to large for him actually top deal with at the moment, will think he is dead and leave him alone. The punch was a bonus. Them not looking for him makes this not a waste of funds.
If he fights he dies, there are to many and they have better combat abilities right now.
If he escapes they keep looking for him and there is a to large for comfort chance that eventually psycho lead thug will track him down and kill him.
Using an item so they think he is dead is pretty much the best move he could make, other then fleeing the city and losing his home base.
Congrats idiot. Now you've made him unafraid to take a person's life. And just a punch? Come on you could've done better
He was already crossing the line and would have killed someone eventually. Also MC did it so they would think he is dead not to get in a punch, read what the F he is saying, the punch is the afterthought and bonus his primary intention is what he mentions first.
Never give any mercy to those bullies. He will probably regret leaving those dirtbags alive.
The guys who outnumbered him, and he would have died had he fought directly? If you think that is leaving them alive, you did not read the situation close to well enough.
I'd give a granade to the doll :v
That would require that they are in the shop, and not prohibitively expensive.