You continue to amaze me, even 10 months later.
"Even 10 months later"? Don't you mean 4 days ago?
How dense does one have to be to not understand the moral of a narrative?
And how dense does the wannabe HC Andersen have to be to not realize that all his clever writing is all for nought because his contradictory narrative? Just because you wrote it and it looked good to you doesn't mean it wasn't flawed and contradictory and thus a dumpster fire. I mean, what the fuck, are you Rian Johnson going not-so incognito? For all the time you took to write that and undermine your own message you could've wrote "Y'all are both retarded" and not only would I have more respect for that than the lackluster poetic shitpost you strung out but you also would've been more true to your own message than the shit you wrote. Think on that for a second. That's how much you failed. You can't deliver an effective and legitimate moral lesson by violating the moral you were going for by the simple fact of writing it.
I'm trying to convey to you, through your thick skull, this single, crucial message: CHILL. This is a Mangadex comment section, not a fucking debate forum.
Realize that you're the last person that should be giving that advice. Also realize that utilizing the argument "it's a comment section!" to say you can't debate is also really torpedoing your narrative
Like, seriously, please fucking realize this. Try to. Please.
While it's true your discourse with totallynotmike took place 10 months ago—and I do concede that the chronological unpunctuality of my comment gives good reason for my comment being unwarranted
Hurr-fucking-ay, at least some self-awareness is alive.
I found it especially hilarious to see such a conversation that occurred on such premises as trivial as yuri manga (or whatever it was).
...And? Again, this whole "venue dictates effort" thing is something you should be avoiding.
You don't even seem to realize you are doing the exact same thing you accused me and that guy of doing 10 months ago. Would this qualify as poetic justice in your book yet?
I wrote my shitpost for my own laugh and also to see how you or totallynotmike would react. I was not disappointed.
You belabored your side to the point where totallynotmike has essentially claimed victory by simply not replying back anymore. You're not worth his time.
...Okay. Well, mike hasn't even been around in months. I think he got suspended or banned because he and the mods got into it back when the Patreonbux Brigade split from Mangadex around the same time. I dunno, don't really care, but something happened and he hasn't even logged in since then and his username changed.
The fact that you continue to use such grandiloquent language amazes me.
...I've yet to read a scholarly paper that uses phrasing such as "fucking retarded" and memes, but okay. You go with that.
The above quote by the 20th century writer illustrates my point well: I know the vocabulary you know, and no doubt many others do as well. But being that this is, indeed, a mangadex comment section, there is absolutely no reason for you to write this way!
allow me retort with my own reference (that's also more towards my liking).
Second, I don't get where the fuck you're getting the idea that this is some high society shit the way I write. I'm utterly confused why you think I have to type like a retard or a valley girl on a flip phone sending text messages in order not to sound like a Victorian-era snob or some shit, but... Yeah, no. This ain't fucking complicated, anyone with a compulsory education can write and comprehend it. I guess I could spam emojis if that would make you feel better.
Also, some of the most interesting discussions I've ever had have happened in the most bizarre and unlikely places. I'm not going to skip that chance just because you think a comment section isn't worthy of it.
There is no need for you to go the extra mile and pain yourself by writing in a way that amounts to nothing except you being perceived as pompous and bombastic
Pompous? Bombastic? Eh...
keep your mannerisms short and concise.
Like your attention span?
Don't write ambiguous crap like lowest common denominator
It's not ambiguous at all. It's catering. To the low information, lowest energy, lowest effort that you can. Which is probably why it upset you so.
It makes you seem much more conceited than—I hope—you actually are.
See, I find it interesting when someone thinks that's arrogance (...what happened to it being "ambiguous," by the way? you seem to catch the drift here). It's not arrogance to feel disappointed that someone is setting themselves up for standards of low expectation. I feel most people are actually quite intelligent, many more so than me. But I think they limit themselves because of cancerous reasoning like what you throw about. To be honest, I despise that. Because once people start realizing that no one ever expects anything out of them, they stop giving a shit to try. And that is un-fucking-acceptable in my book. So, if you want brevity and use that to justify it... Pound sand, I guess?
You claim my story is absurdist. Congrats on interpreting that much, Einstein. But it clearly shows me that you're delusional.
The very fact that you're continuing to do what you set out against and failed at conveying right this very second with this entire post tells me you might not be the best person to ask about self-awareness or objective reality.
See, because, you came in here wanting to give us all a bedtime story rendition, right? About how it's pointless to do this and it's a comment section and it's not worth the time... And you did that by spending god-only-knows how long writing that parabola to do so. It probably took you longer to write that than it's taken me to write this, because this is just a stream of consciousness for me for the most part. You can't tell me to be low effort and not waste my time... when you're doing the exact same fucking thing. Throw in a hermano there for your own mental image reading this if you want.
And worse yet? You're arguing with me just like Mike did. Way to fucking go.
You, who had taken the time to argue about "yurifags" and such on a mangadex comment section, overlook the fact that you're also being absurd in your demeanor; in other words, you're the complete package... of a retard.
Uh-huh. And who is the one telling other people how to conduct themselves and writing Little Red Riding Hood fanfiction to do it on the internet? It sure as fuck isn't me.
You point out the fault in others using such loosely based claims, only to pump in extra words and useless crap to increase your argument length. You do that for an essay paper, not here.
...He says in all honesty - 2428 characters later... Yeah, I take back what I said with you still retaining some self-awareness. Clearly I was wrong.
To have the audacity to point out my faults while possessing all pointers to retardation... Man, I wish I had your ignorance.
You... wish? Wish, you say? Well, today I am a genie then. [whoosh] BEHOLD A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! You have been "gifted" what you "wished" for! No, no. No thanks is necessary, this is just my natural generosity.
Your username, your profile pic
Yeah, that wasn't low effort at all. Yeah, you didn't just re-use the same thing Mike said 10 months ago. Y'know, you talked about essay papers before - but this is legit the first time I've seen someone plagiarize someone's comments in a
dirty, filthy peasant-riddled comment section.
the way you talk, your argumentative points— they all sum up to exactly what you are worth: crap. Harsh, I know.
So crap you were simply compelled to write me a bedtime story about arguing on the interwebs and then argued about it with me on the internets.
Write and sing me a ballad now. See if you can get Meatloaf to do it, maybe inspired by "I'd Do Anything for Love" but with a new spin on it, y'know?