This could have been one of the few manga that doesn't try to be an exact copy of all the others.
It seems to be a reversal of 99 percent of all yuri stories, in that the spunky MC is dark-haired and the melancholy love-interest is light-haired. This alone would be simply amazing, because most of the times dark-haired girls in manga are only portrayed as uptight, melancholy, insecure, and helpless. It has the potential to be an amazing story about a dark-haired girl who has to save a girl with light hair from breaking and take her out of her isolation.
But it will probably be about a light-haired girl saving a dark-haired girl as usual, because the mangaka quickly starts to portray Aiko as someone who has been melancholy herself and that is something mangaka never do to blonde or light-haired MC's. They always portray them as one-dimensionally happy and energetic and refuse to grant dark-haired girls the same portrayal.
Mangaka's are obviously allergic to creativity. Further examplified by the good old uninspired and in some Japanese fiction ubiquitous (ah, Hibike Euphonium season two) but for a country where personal space is so valued strange custom to have a character just peek into rooms or eavesdrop on conversations without anybody so much as frowning on them, because the mangaka has no clue how to introduce that information otherwise.
Hopefully Aiko's strength will prevail and make her the heroine of the story rather than the victim.