Shoujo Junrei - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Selfishly, I Need You

Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2020
The scene in which Aiko rejects Mao looked so terribly artificial, forced, pushy to me ... it is an obvious reaction, but it is too late and cliché in general. Despite my attachment to the characters, the plot, this scene hasm't touched me in any way. You read this manga, you know it is going to happen, but still the potential is gone because stretched out into two chapters... this should be her reaction to the swings. I simply expected a dramatic scene that would hit me like a speeding train... and not such a forced (un)expected plot twist "ok everything is fine... buuuuuut actually not, fuck off."
Dex-chan lover
Nov 1, 2023
I can't believe that the most probably scenario that could happen actually happened, i thought that everything was going to be okey after the reveal.

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