@Darkmint13 not much of a problem cept hating it for poor reason. in my few decades of being alive i've met several people i've had good chemistry with
there are people who grow up in a small town they have a girlfriend they wanna settle down with that girl, wife her up and then bam life hits em with a truck and they gotta move
gone ahead to the big city after a few years they meet someone else and settle down with them instead, thats not to say 1 is more compatible with the other and therefore this new girl is
the one
just circumstances led you to a position where you met someone who could spark that connection with you
i've met many more with the same experience. There are over 4.5b cockroaches on this planet to say out of all of those there can only be 1 is just silly and unrealistic
but good to know your reason, at least you're not like that
personally i dont think stories in general suffer due to harem
but that the author who has chosen to implement harem is always at fault
same for ecchi, you can have the occasional shower scene or beach episode sure, sprink;e some girls talk ok... but more often than not these bastards pull an SAO alice s2 episode 1 throw in some real nasty totally avoidable objectionable of an important female character or yknow Asterisk War ep 1
i remember the old studio that worked on Highschool DXD got shelved b/c the author really wanted the oppai dragon song towards the end of~... was it season 2?
point im trying to make is that the anime's original ending was far more tame and seemed to fit the moment
it was a meh ending to a mediocre anime vs the author's actual ending, which would have been mediocre
but it turned out the author is just a horny garbage person who adores compromising an ok story to shelve in T&A at every given moment
b.c sex sells and you're dealing with young teens during the height of puberty
but i digress... its a problem of application
in this, having a loose harem would be alright, but what happened here was akin to taking a rubix cube and trying to shove it into a jenga tower no lube
so now our MC got date raped and probs impregnated 2 girls and some old lady that looks like a 10 yr old, which is just really really creepy man.. bible level creepy...
-then we got @Treyvon here trying to pretend legal loli drawn like a toddler is the same as an actual fully grown woman who just happens to be short
and what i mean by loose harem is that multiple characters like the MC so they ig are love interests and re-occurring characters
it'd work out that way with teases here and there, since the MC has his own personal business in this war he's not really attached to them...
but now that he's gone and done it... he is now...