Shounen Shoujo

Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2018
The cover art made me do a double take- I will never NOT recognize that asshole smile on the boy's face
May 14, 2019
I’m not really sure what to make of it, but it was a definite 10/10 on the fun scale.
Oct 29, 2018
To the lurker reading this comment: don't read this garbage. See my comment on the final chapter if you want more explanation.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
I can't tell if the story was complete nonsense from the start, or if it was the translation, or what...

But that was 15 chapters to say "The end. No moral."
Apr 23, 2018
@Itsn It's one of those stories that's meant to be initially confusing, but becomes less so as time progresses and the mystery unravels. However, it was also axed and thus there really wasn't any time for the story to progress naturally. As a result you have a messy plot.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
Enjoyed the first eight chapters, would have rated this manga a 10 had that feeling been maintained. I would have liked a less '''''''''philosophical''''''''' 2nd half to this manga. At least the story itself was good, as was the art, visual style, and main characters.
Sep 29, 2018
Let's be honest, the philosophical rambling was really just a cop-out because he wrote himself into a corner in a story about a boy killing a girl.
Still not bad though.
Jan 1, 2020
Yoh have to have a strong mind to read this and enjoy it, i personnaly loved it , it was charming , confusing , UNIQUE,depressing at time and most importantly make you imagin what really happened on your own , because it a story told by a young boy who is somewhat special in his prespective of things , so you have to imagin youreself what really happened 😌
Overall this was a masterpiece, since it has so many differents aspects in it
Mar 10, 2019
I think page 24 of chapter 12 truly sums up the series in a way no commentator like myself really can. If I was a betting man, I'd bet those are word for word critiques and comments from editors, staff, and similar about the manga and that it was decided upon as "the beginning of the end" for the mangaka who had his series cancelled.
Its a true testament to just how transparent they were while trying to be high minded and sophisticated (and failing).

There is a desire to tell some sort of story/critique of Japanese collectivist society, of normies, and the desire for individuality within that system but ultimately saying there can be no individuality and that its all a joke and a shame of self delusion. Which I'd say that outcome of saying there can be no individuality is almost a direct result of page 24 chapter 12, of the critique the author got to tone it down, change it, whatever.

It almost feels like the author had some angst issues when told his work was subpar and instead of making it better, decided to just take it to absurdity and tried to be mindfucky. Yet the result was just their own work/creation and any underlying message they wanted to present with it being all the worse because of it.

The story itself is hampered by unlikable characters, inconsistent rules within its own world combined with an unreliable narrator, and so on. You don't need to be a rick and morty fan to understand and appriciate this, you need to be a highschool freshmen whose taken a single semester of psychology and subscribes to r/im14andthisisdeep thinking it truly is deep and profound instead of just an author self destructing after failing to create a story with no real names/faces thinking they were much more capable than they were.

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