I don’t understand why the MC doesn’t tell at least Maine about his ability. At this point there’s no reason not to trust her and then he wouldn’t have to tip toe around it and lie to her. He should also really tell Shasha eventually because then he could more openly work with her to mass produce her products and make tons of money (they could seriously rake in money if the MC sold the one time use items for cheap and then had Sasha perform a repair on them to reset the usage for a fee).
@xwhiteray Well, the mc could do that but then the market would crash, he’d force up inflation, and pretty much everyone would suffer because economics. The Mc can’t mass produce gold either because then it would stop being valuable if there’s just a ton on the market. Really the MC can’t mass produce anything without controlling how much he introduces in the market and at what price. His ability is an easy money making, but realistically can’t be used without thought or just make a ton of money that fast. Theoretically the MC could singlehandedly get rid of capitalism in that world entirely if he just mass produces everything, but that comes with its own shell of problems (people are inherently greedy and selfish; we need incentives to be decent and improve. If everything is just handed to us a silver platter most people have very little reason to continue working or continue to improve technology. Sure there will be people like Sasha who invent for fun and Maine who has a strong work dedication, but most of the adventures would just stop if they don’t need money anymore (meaning more monsters killing people) and most everyone would just stop working leading to a complete breakdown of society (actually H.G. Wells the timemachine kinda goes into this with the two species of humans in the future; one does all the work and the other lazes about, does and understands nothing, and lets themselves get eaten at night)). Basically there’s realistically no way for the MC to just “grow infinite money” and not make everything just completely worse. I mean its not difficult to print infinite money in our world (and we’ve seen the consequences of countries that do), it just both simultaneously does nothing and makes everything worse. Ideally there should be a fixed amount of money in the economy backed by our production and limited resources (like gold). Money as a currency only has the value its given by our economic status and what society values (which has to be scarce to or at least un increasing to be super valuable. If suddenly someone came up with a billion gold bars and sold them all at once the value of gold as a whole goes down). Really the entire premise of the story is fairly flawed, but as long as the mc doesn’t go out of hand things should be fine. If he’s making new products, keeps the production to sane levels, doesn’t make the price too low, and doesn’t flood the market everything is fine. Production can’t just immediately grow faster than the economy and people living in it can handle. Though at the end of the day he’s still denying the overall economy of some growth, by not having to hire anyone to help with mass production. Not that he isn’t helping, by giving some jobs but a different person in his position would also have to hire workers to help with production in addition to everyone else he’s already hired (but again doesn’t matter as much as doing something crazy like making money out of thin air). That’s saying a ton and I’m stepping into 2 whole fields of study and I’m probably going into too much for an isekai manga
tl;dr the mc is not stupid, but the premise kinda is with his “cheat” ability, it’d actually be better if he was just out adventuring for fun with companions than trying to start a business (for the world; not him).