@Kimzark How is he an asshole? He's a bit self-important and defensive, but she's far cockier and she's intentionally snobby. Being deliberately rude makes her far more of an asshole, whether she's right about the story or not.
@mommunism being a huge narcissist who thinks he is the center of the world and that everyone should love him and his work... guy's a nobody and acts like he owns the world... that basically makes him an asshole IMO, you are free to think otherwise...
@soseki thanks again for the translation! I noticed there were a decent amount of grammatical errors in this chapter and I'd be down for doing proofreading if you'd like!
@Kimzark He wasn't upset about her not loving his work. She called it trash. That's not constructive criticism, it's just rude, so it made him defensive. And the girl clearly has the mindset that you're describing, but worse. She thinks that her opinion is perfect and a work with her input would be a "masterpiece." That's as narcissistic as they come.