A princess that is loaded with money and a bunch of hot babes.. tbh, at that point I'm pretty sure that every man would have said "fuck you humanity" and would start enjoying the good life.
@FStubbs Most manga are the same in that regard, series like Nozoki Ana are rare, and even in that, the busty black haired chick was ruined so first girl could win. I hate that trope so much...
I think him trying to find a cure is the stupidest idea ever. I mean think about it. Half the population is basically Thanos snapped. They have more resources per person than ever now. Procreating one by one is definitely better choice than spending stupid cure.... that and he better fuck someone now
I'm liking this arc. We're getting to see the girls in a different light, rather than just purely "I wanna fuck him."
Even if it's only briefly I like seeing them be playful and honest without other characters interrupting.
I can only imagine how this is supposed to turn out when Reito's true love is Suou...
So he bangs no one for his precious cure, but Suou's like halfway across the world - plot armor?
Getting it on with his former squeeze is already a lost cause.
Well, whatever happens, few people will be satisfied by the outcome. This weak MC has long since underwhelmed many a reader here...
@Xystus hold on a sec isn't that pretty much every hentai scenario where a girl go to a "karaoke" with her friends and some random dudes and endup getting fucked/raped on the spot?🤔
@Miros ... what the fuck are you talking about LOL it's just a hang out for male and females to get to know each other and maybe exchange numbers etc. Stop reading too much hentai, it's poisoning your brain. Jesus.