I agree partially.The emperor is kind of a poorly written villain. The author should explain more what prevents him from murdering the current crown prince, since he had done so previously with his first (and by that time ONLY) son of "unparalleled" talent and heir to the empire. He doesnt need to go through all this schemeing. a sword through the chest is enough.
Also it should be elaborated what kind of army or otherwise military backing he has. With the current system, staging a coup could be done by a retard.
It's not that he kills his family members or people who threaten his authority. The emperor is basically hyper-paranoid and tries to kill everyone whom he suspects if threatening his power. Unfortunately, that means basically anyone even remotely competent at their government-related job, and their supporters. Hell, he even executed the then blindly loyal Sigrid.I agree partially.
As is said the king has a lot of power and so far the prince was not a threat.
But now the king feels the need to reinstate his personal guard that just follows his orders without question and start a purge.
It looks like a simple plot but if you look at history of medieval era ,killings siblings was quite common in royalty and the planing of such things was very far from a super villain plan.
The good way to use the "jUST a FriEnD" tropeBest friends![]()
The emperor is kind of a poorly written villain. The author should explain more what prevents him from murdering the current crown prince, since he had done so previously with his first (and by that time ONLY) son of "unparalleled" talent and heir to the empire.
You've got me thinking about the nature of the story. So far the emperor is a background character. We've not been shown his thoughts. We get outside perspectives from other POV characters. He's more like a setting than a character with agency. This is a story of Sigrid trying to redo her life with different values, so the emperor only needs to be an abstract menace to foil our hero.The emperor is kind of a poorly written villain. The author should explain more what prevents him from murdering the current crown prince, since he had done so previously with his first (and by that time ONLY) son of "unparalleled" talent and heir to the empire. He doesnt need to go through all this schemeing. a sword through the chest is enough.
Also it should be elaborated what kind of army or otherwise military backing he has. With the current system, staging a coup could be done by a retard.
This is a good perspective. I hope the second part is not true. To be honest, I see this to be some sort of conspiracy by the outcast mages and proper mages, former urging the emperor to his actioms, latter being responsible for the time shenanigans (maybe not purposefully) - and I dislike these type of "puppet master behind puppet master" stories. They do not feel realistic at all. So youre probably right that there exists at least another person with the same knowledge.It's possible that he regards having done so openly as a mistake, something that damaged his authority instead of increasing it. If so, then he is a dangerous villain ... because he's the kind who can learn from his mistakes instead of repeating them.
And perhaps Sigrid is not the only one around who remembers a version of history that hasn't happened yet.
Might need a reread, but the emperor did try to kill the crown prince right? Only this time around Siri was there to help them, maybe the emperor is waiting for another chance now.The emperor is kind of a poorly written villain. The author should explain more what prevents him from murdering the current crown prince, since he had done so previously with his first (and by that time ONLY) son of "unparalleled" talent and heir to the empire. He doesnt need to go through all this schemeing. a sword through the chest is enough.
Also it should be elaborated what kind of army or otherwise military backing he has. With the current system, staging a coup could be done by a retard.