@delight_pineapple @amator honestly, even we get confused with the way the chinese is written because we really thought everyone knew. and chen yu knew they knew... BUT THEN IN THIS CHAP, chen yu is like WOW OMG IVE BEEN FOUND OUT! and we're like bruh they knew since ch1??? but as mentioned in a previous TL note before they've (the author/writer/whatever) been mixing up the pronouns weirdly in the raw chinese release and we've been TLing accordingly to how they've been giving it to us (i guess it doesn't matter a lot in chinese because he/her/him/she area all pronounced the same in chinese(???)) We're pretty sure everyone in the inner circle knows (prince, his servant, now the physician) but the rest of the prince's court doesn't know. it's just chen yu is a bit slow on the uptake and assumed he'd tricked everyone because he wasn't immediately getting beheaded/punished and has lived for this long since entering the harem (which was why he thought he was found out and being sentenced to death this chapter) The prince is really just a glutton and i guess beauty has no gender for him HAHA. But honestly, i'm really confused how they had sex everyday without chen yu going wow he's seen my dick?? ARE THEY HAVING SEX DIFFERENTLY IN ANCIENT CHINA???
but ye, every chapter i'm like wtf author what is happening/what am i reading/i thought we were past this plot point. haha so i understand why it might feel confusing LOL :[ hope this helps!!