A Tender Heart: The Story of How I Became a Duke's Maid

Nov 13, 2019
I really do hate what Ibelina did to Lily... what's even more hateful is
she didn't even make use of the 3 years to make something of herself. I thought she left to somehow change herself so she could be with Alejandro in the future! Seems like she just wasted the fact she got reincarnated and ruined 3 years for Lily GRRR

Ah but look at the cover now, Ibee is wearing nice clothes, not a maid's uniform 🤔
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2018
Why was the previous cover picture removed? It's not that I don't like the new one, but the first one still shouldn't have been fully removed. The first one depicted the first part of the story (with the male lead still a kid) while this new one depicts him as older. There's a "Covers" section for each series page in which you can normally still see the covers of older volumes.
Sure, this is a webcomic and thus doesn't have volumes, but my point still applies.
Could someone please add the previous cover in the Covers section?
Jun 14, 2019
I really want to give this series a try but I find it really distributing her love interest literally grows up in front of her eyes from a child to an adult. Sure it makes sense if she met the ML when he is an adult but he's just a baby when they first meet... (゚ー゚)
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2020

I get where you're going. I was a bit wary while reading because of that, but it adds an interesting element in the story. Sure its a little odd, but:
She's only four years older than him I think. There are couples with much larger age gaps. 4 Years probably shouldn't even be considered a age gap.

I suggest you go for it and you can just stop if it's not to your liking.
Jun 14, 2019
Thanks a lot @Nighko !!! Yeah thats what I did and its not so bad after all
Age gap wasn't as bad as i thought ahaha, I was shocked when i found out its only a 4/5 year difference. Guess the problem is with how young the artist made him look (and behave) specially in the beginning chapters when she's giving him a baths, I though he was around 7-10

Now i'm just reading until I find it hard to handle as sadly, after reading that's not the only issue i've noticed with the series (e.g. sometimes body proportions aren't right, so-so artwork, actions/ dialogues not suited for the situation, frustrating FL etc etc) just minor things the author/artist could've fixed to make it 1000x more enjoyable (guess i'm too picky ahah). an example of a perfect series i've read so far with a similar setting is 'The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass', i can find no mistakes/flaws whatsoever ! I highly suggest you to try it !!
Jun 14, 2019
@Nighko Oh my ! So you've read it too wow!! I'm glad you feel the same (isn't awesome an understatement ahaha)
I'm a HUGE fan of that series and of 'The Capable Maid' - both of them are perfect in every aspect !! Easily the top 2 series in my list
And I totally get you, it gets scary sometimes but that's the thrill of it
Dec 9, 2018
Aw man i binged it even though i knew i shouldn't but i do hope there will be weekly updates of this!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
The absolute number one most overused trope that needs to be done away with in these "transported into the world of a novel" stories is the main character being stubbornly deadset on the world following the novel's story despite things constantly happening that prove that the world's future story can change, it's so fucking frustrating every single time.
Sep 28, 2019
@amissa25 Agree completely! She didn't even go that far! Her first placement away and then just stays there of 3 years doing nothing?!
Aggregator gang
Dec 28, 2019
Ok, wait, wait
I haven't read this yet but he's the young duke with the curse mask thingy on his right eye, right?
And he's a child, right?
And the maid's how old in the beginning?
and also the young duke's age
I'm concerned
So you're telling me,
she watched him grow up? not alongside him, but just watch him grow up?
This...this just feels wrong

Edit: someone told me its only four years difference(idk how, but k), I'm so glad since it felt so weird
I might give this series a try :)

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