Skill Lender’s Retrieving (Tale) ~I Told You It’s 10% Per 10 Days at First, Didn’t I?~

Sep 1, 2023
I'm now only reading this bc of morbid curiosity. It lost me in the first chapter where they said "Hey, we are going to let you die to the boss monster so we can get ur severance payment". They then have a chapter long conversation about his stupid loan terms. And then.......they agree to give back what they were lent.......WTF. This story should have been have a chapter long. They get to the boss room, yeet him into it, wait 5 minutes, go kill boss, profit. Instead, they have a giant conversation and then we find out two really stupid things. One, he has to be given back his stuff, he can't just take it back (which is stupid af, just don't give his skills back) and two, the evil party members know they are losing their skills, including the poison resistance skill he just learned and lent you them that day and is keeping them conscious. How dumb can you be?
Last edited:
Aug 23, 2023
Oh christ I didn't even mention how he's essentially just a loan shark. Like, the fucking title. 10% per 10 days? Are you fucking shitting me? The "ability" itself points towards the protagonist being absolute scum. The face off against Altria or whatever the generic badguy's name was meant to be was meant to delive poetic justice, a sense of catharsis; instead, if you think about it, you'd realise that "huh, the antagonist's got a point here. He did all the heavy lifting, and now whatever rewards he's reaped with assistance are now entirely the banks. Isn't that fucked up?" And yes, it is. Disgusting manga churned out to gain money, may God bestow this mangaka naught but salt for their meals.
Found the villains account lol

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