Smooth Scrolling with Arrows

Active member
Jan 20, 2018
This is really old suggestion that I had and I thought it would've been added on the new reader.
What do I mean with smooth scrolling?
Whenever you click UP(^) or DOWN, your scrolling stops for a little bit and then it continues, for instance, on jaiminisbox that little stop is really small and almost unnoticeable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Turn on "smooth scrolling" in browser options.

I don't think MD needs more useless scripts.
Apr 23, 2018
No need for this. Depending on implementation, it could even override existing smooth scrolling solutions that users like us generally have turned on (not really problematic, but sometimes annoying). I have my smooth scrolling enabled globally, with a transition time and easing that I find speedy yet non-jolting. I imagine over 90% of users who know what smooth scrolling is and like it have it turned on as well. I think it may even be the browser default now for FF.

I am all for smooth scrolling, which is why I am confident when I say this is NOT needed. Seriously, if you like it, why would you not enable it globally? Also, desktop is the only thing that would really benefit from it, and maybe 50% of laptops. Mobile/tablets would see no benefit, nor would anyone with a decent track-pad.
I am assuming that was just an example, but If you literally mean the up/down arrow only (which is also covered by browser smooth scrolling, in addition to the more common mouse wheel scrolling), then the scope is so unconscionably small that we would probably need decimal places to count the % of users that use it.
Times I use up/down arrows for scrolling.....
Cannot think of any. Its annoying not being able to control where it stops, and I cannot find a setting that isn't too slow normally, or scrolls to far for manga. With my laptop, I use the touchpad. With my desktop, I use the mouse & scrollwheel. If I am in bed, same thing (my desktop is hooked up to a large tv in my bedroom. I have a wireless mouse and keyboard so I can watch anime and read manga as I sleep).
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
Well, I already got an external app to fix that. The smooth scrolling you guys cited had nothing to do with it(I literally made my definition of it on the post).
It's used on Jaiminisbox, so why not here?(Not that I care anymore.)
What kind of bs reasons are these(I don't use it, therefore it's useless)?
Lmfao, are you perhaps butthurt one of your suggestions didn't get accepted?

"Its annoying not being able to control where it stops"
Are you serious?
Apr 23, 2018
I am sorry, but I have no clue what you are talking about if it is not actual smooth scrolling, which, from what you said, it isn't.
I am talking about normal, browser supported smooth scrolling, just like BzzBzz. Also, as I explicitly said, I use it extensively. (just not via arrow keys, bc I like control over where it stops) . I have no clue why you are going so offensive. Though, my butt does hurt pretty badly now that you mention it..... (what did you do to me while I slept?)

In the future, please actually describe what you mean. If you cannot describe it, link to a page that uses that feature and give directions on how to invoke the feature your talking about. Or, in case of visual things like this, provide a gif to describe it. Since both of us misinterpreted you, a better description was probably needed (although, your reply still looks like we were spot on. If you didn't explicitly say we were wrong, I would have no clue).

If I were to go off of nothing but your description. Then my conclusion would be that clicking the down arrow would cause it to scroll down, pause, then continue scrolling down forever for no apparent reason. I see no such horrifying feature on that site though

And as far as what I why I don't use keyboard arrows
Yes, it scrolls to far, or to slow. Mouse/touchpad/phone swiping gives very granular control and allows you to scroll as fast/slow as you wish. With a keyboard, you jump in larger predefined steps, and have to either mash the button a lot to scroll further at a decent speed, or wait an N.N second delay for the keypress to auto-repeat, which still ends up with an incredibly slow scroll speed by default. Older/cheaper laptops that do not have a decent scroll option on their trackpad would probably be the only users. However, arrows are still covered by the browser's smooth scrolling so I see no need to interfere.

PS. I didn't call it useless, but I am pretty certain it is the least common scroll method. And again, assuming we are talking about the same thing, I am pretty sure the browser has the feature builtin.
And in the to be clear, here is what actual smooth scrolling is, which I and BzzBzz were talking about

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