So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 10 Ch. 50.2

Dex-chan lover
Nov 9, 2019
normally, we don't see face of dead man (especially the bad one) on the sky right?
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
Differences between the manga and novel:
- In the novel Kumoko never turned off the Parallel wills instead she put them to translate the language since the very beginning. This was done by placing invisible threads around the city and use them as tin can telephone.
- Kumoko was able to understand the evil dude full sentence.
- When the evil dude send his men to capture Kumoko she was inside a cocoon made of threads. Kumoko said that even if the nearby monsters were weak she would never sleeo out in the wild like an idiot.
- Yes, she ate the corpses.

Now, in this chapter's "Fucking Manga Stop skipping context" corner we have:
Evil guy is an emassador from Ohts Kingdom.
The adventurer group Kumoko met 2 chapters before went spreading the rumours that The Nightmare of the Labyrinth was healing people in Sariella (Did we know the country name? Nah ofc not, the manga doesn't care about any context).
Ohts wasn't happy because the Nightmare destroyed one of their forts and killed every single soldier inside it, so they want it to repay for the damages by bringing the Nightmare to it's country to heal their people.

I guess mangaka-kun find too difficult to add this and he prefers just to keep adding Far Cry and streaming jokes.
Dec 15, 2019
weird how nonchalant she is about killing people. Like, she did not have to kill those soldiers, they were far weaker than her. She could have literally walked right past them. She was a girl from the 21st century, right? With 21st century morals? I guess turning into a spider would do that, but she still seems fully sentient.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 1, 2020

Well, she did fight for her life for so long it wouldn't be surprising if her morals got skewed. Might have developed a kill-or-be-killed mentality considering that's the mindset she needed to survive.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
I don't have the novel at hand right now so I can't check but yeah he can alsl be frim the church. Sariella doesn't have goof relationships with both of them.
Active member
Jun 24, 2018
literally none of the stuff you mentioned is important to kumoko
Man why did a war started? I just killed a random fat guy that came to annoy me.
Wait! Why does the attacking army have 2 flags?
Meh I'll just kill both sides to be sure.

He still thinks that the story is only about a spider leveling up and not about how the choices of one person can't indirectly affect the whole life of another person.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
It's revealed later (major spoilers)
She wasn't human to begin with.

She was a tiny spider in the corner of the classroom.
All her memories as human? Implanted by D herself, because those were actually D's memories.

Yes, D was in that classroom. In fact the explosion was an attack aimed at D.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2020
@Melicks Thank you! the fucking subway surfer killed me

@linkhuesitos15 I've read the wn before (it was long ago) and i had to stop because the side stories were uninteresting, may i ask your opinion on those? can i come back to the novel where this chapter drops off while skipping the side stories?
Mar 10, 2018
@Ghekor - Yep, i knew there was a time gap of about 15 years, but my reply was about the clichè of the human stories, they are so damn boring and bland, the villain in anime episode 7 is horrible and grotesque, but what i hate more is the teacher that let that evil scum live after he tried to kill the whole class. Hate these overused tropes. I really hope Kumoko kill all these worthless side characters, anyway i like the manga more for this reason, skipping such generic parts.
Active member
Mar 16, 2019
@linkhuesitos15 maybe mangaka just doesn't want to do word for word from the novel and just wants to focus on Kumoko more. I mean he probs know that lots of ppl r spoiling LN contents here so he thought that he will leave the skipped parts, even tho they r important, to the spoiler squads. He probs just want Kumoko for now and will deal w/ others later after Kumoko got stronk and her classmates got born.
Or prob he just wants to tell the story from Kumoko's perspective.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
Translation of what the old man is saying: I and my guards want to become your lump of EXP.

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